grants will help thousands more Wisconsin households receive devices, obtain affordable internet service, and acquire digital literacy skills training. in Green Bay, Manitowoc, Milwaukee, and Racine to be improved to allow taller ships access for maritime commerce. Smith writes about the public health risks of vaping and ways our state government needs to do more on this issue, including banning flavored e-cigarettes.
The current systems provides plenty of channels for new ideas and feedback from local communities. We don't need one more.
MADISON - As State Superintendent, Tony Evers convenes and participates in dozens of advisory councils across our state. Consisting of over 600 Wisconsinites, they regularly provide new ideas and feedback from local communities and the schools they represent.
These councils, combined with Tony's school visits, help shape the policies implemented at DPI. Ensuring kids are front and center of our public education system is Tony's priority.
We do not need more bureaucracy or more centralized control. The state legislature passes education laws, while the State Superintendent is directly accountable to the citizens. Our Founders debated this at length when writing our Constitution, and they wisely created an independent State Superintendent for a reason. Walker dodged the student loan debt crisis Tuesday by offering up only a meaningless "tuition cut" for current students. Wisconsin would be better served if the Governor would work with Democrats to pass the Higher Ed/Lower Debt bill., jobs, schools and wages have lagged while State debt grows and rural residents suffer with poorer schools and crumbling roads. Gov. Scott Walker delivers his State of the State address tonight, will he again gloss over the State's multiple problems like transportation funding, the shortage of corrections officers in our prisons, the veterans’ home at King, poor economic growth, and bad fiscal management? leans heavily on hunters and anglers to fund DNR wildlife management programs, but the fee revenue has not kept pace with demand. A new report outlines options the legislature can consider during upcoming budget deliberations to help address the funding shortfall. the country, 61% of veterans who voted chose Trump over Clinton. But how will a Trump - Republican administration affect the VA healthcare system which 7 million vets depend on for all or part of their medical care?