Sunday June 30, 2024

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micheal-flynn-speaksWisconsin deserves transparency on Gallagher's relationship with former National Security Advisor Flynn.

MADISON - In the wake of President Donald Trump’s former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn pleading guilty to lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation today, the Democratic Party of Wisconsin renews the calls for Rep. Mike Gallagher to finally denounce Flynn’s support and condemn his criminal behavior.

mike-gallagherGallagher’s constituents deserve to know the details behind his involvement with Flynn, including a high-priced fundraiser where his supporters paid $5,400 a piece to join a “Homeland Security & Anti-Terrorism Round Table discussion with the General [Flynn]” or get a “photo opp” with him for $2,700. Flynn came to Wisconsin to headline a Gallagher fundraiser hosted by the Republican Party of Waukesha County on June 1, 2016.

Even before today’s bombshell news, it was disconcerting that Gallagher enthusiastically welcomed support from Flynn, a man who regularly spread fake news, shared anti-Semitic and Islamophobic media postings and was forced out of the Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) for erratic and untruthful behavior.

Since Flynn’s forced resignation as National Security Advisor, Gallagher has refused to disavow Flynn, despite the fact that Flynn was secretly lobbying for the Turkish government, lied to the vice president and was vulnerable to blackmail as a result.

Now that Flynn has pleaded guilty to the extremely serious offense of making false statements to the FBI, Gallagher should do the right thing and disavow Flynn’s support as well as disclose the details of all political advocacy and communications he and his campaign had with Flynn.

Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Melanie Conklin   

paul-ryanPotential loss of 6,010 jobs and over $500 million in business income in Wisconsin alone.

Written by Wisconsin Democrats   

money-behind-politicsCongressional Republicans pass tax bill that favors top 1%. Proof is in how the savings of new tax brackets trade off against lost deductions for the middle class taxpayer.

Written by Wisconsin Senate, Kate Constalie   

ryan-trump-tax-scamNew Changes Would End Of Health Insurance Coverage For 13 Million Americans, Spike Consumer Costs by 10%, Hike Taxes For Nearly 1-in-3 Wisconsinites. Corporations get across the board, permanent cuts, while middle-class families face tax hikes.

Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brad Bainum   

donald-trumpTrumpCare will drive up costs for middle-class families, strip health care insurance from 15 million people next year and 22 million people by 2026, leave people with pre-existing conditions unprotected, and puts essential health benefits in jeopardy.

MADISON - The following is the statement of Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Martha Laning with regards to the Congressional Budget Office's (CBO) score of the Senate Trumpcare bill released today:

martha-laning"The CBO score released today confirms that Trumpcare will only spell disaster for the American people. It will drive up costs for middle-class families, strip health care insurance from 15 million people next year - and 22 million people by 2026, leave people with pre-existing conditions unprotected, and puts essential health benefits like maternity care, opioid treatment, and mental health services in jeopardy. The only people who stand to gain from Trumpcare are the millionaires, billionaires, and corporations who will receive billions of dollars in tax giveaways.

scott-walker-dodger"Republicans like Governor Scott Walker and Senator Ron Johnson don't think this bill goes far enough. They want even deeper cuts to Medicaid which would result in even more Wisconsinites cut off from care and would cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars down the road.

"Democrats fought tooth-and-nail to pass the Affordable Care Act because health care is a right for all Americans, not a privilege for just the wealthy. The ACA insured millions of Americans, we should be looking to build on the ACA and expand health coverage for even more people in our country. We've made progress and we can't stop now. Wisconsin Democrats will continue fighting to protect health care for working people and the most vulnerable Wisconsinites in our state."

Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brandon Weathersby   

PutinDuffy told Fox News host Martha MacCallum "And my concern, Martha, is what the hell are we investigating?"

MADISON - As Attorney General Jeff Sessions begins to testify to rebut the testimony of former FBI Director James Comey, Rep. Sean Duffy doesn't seem to know what the Department of Justice is investigating in the first place. 

During an interview with Fox News, Rep. Sean Duffy told host Martha MacCallum "And my concern, Martha, is what the hell are we investigating?" In the same interview, Duffy also asked, “Why are we going through this charade of an investigation when there’s no evidence that Donald Trump had anything to do with the Russians?”

Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brandon Weathersby   
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