Smith brings attention to Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October by highlighting the work needed by policymakers to strengthen protections and justice for the victims of domestic violence. plans to make an official campaign announcement after the November election. U.S. added 254,000 jobs in September and unemployment was down to 4.1 percent, belying the gloom and doom picture of the economy being pushed by Republican TV pundits. Wages are outpacing inflation, up 4% compared to 2.53% inflation over the past year. would save $279 million in the current budget if the Federal MA money is accepted by January 1st of next year. Walker had refused to accept the money in large part to position himself to campaign for president. of three columns describing the importance of water in Wisconsin. Conserving water by limiting high capacity wells, preventing the destruction of wetlands and reinvesting in science at the DNR are easy ways we can keep drinking water clean.
If President Trump needs an Emergency, domestic violence victim advocates in Wisconsin suggest an option based in reality.
Caregivers are unsung heroes, supporting and caring for friends and loved ones so they can stay in their homes. would align laws with people’s support for medical marijuana and the current use of CBD oil. The proposals would also decriminalize possession of 25 grams or less and review past incarcerations. blast Republican plan as a stunt to protect tax giveaways for millionaires.