Smith brings attention to Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October by highlighting the work needed by policymakers to strengthen protections and justice for the victims of domestic violence. plans to make an official campaign announcement after the November election. U.S. added 254,000 jobs in September and unemployment was down to 4.1 percent, belying the gloom and doom picture of the economy being pushed by Republican TV pundits. Wages are outpacing inflation, up 4% compared to 2.53% inflation over the past year. environmental advocacy group evaluates new Administration on it's efforts to promote clean water, air, and energy and protect our public lands, lakes, rivers, and wetlands for future generations. Smith writes about learning opportunities like the Senate Scholar Program and internships that provide young people with the skills to take the baton from the older generation. public safety workers help save lives every day. watchdog group says Supreme Court Justice-elect failed to file occupation information as required by law on 159 contributors.
Trump is coming to Wisconsin to sell a record of broken promises and sow division say Dems. prescription drug program extended until December 31st, 2028