hopes to Improve Citizen Engagement and Government Services.“Brad Schimel is manipulating images and telling lies to try and hide from his own soft-on-crime record of allowing over 6,000 sexual assault kits to sit untested for two years and letting domestic abusers walk with no jail time", says campaign. reports that Brad Schimel supported the J6 pardons, Harry Dunn to join Rep. Amaad Rivera-Wagner to condemn Trump's pardons and call for commitment from our leaders to protect our democracy.
Affordable healthcare is key to living a healthy life and that is no more true than during this COVID-19 pandemic. application period open for tourism promotion and development organizations to support tourism operations, marketing impacted by COVID-19 Americans aren't careful, the pandemic could worsen says Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. will enable Beloit, Wausau, Sheboygan, Madison, Eau Claire, Racine, Green Bay, and La Crosse to purchase a total of 34 public transit buses. "suffered and saw their livelihoods destroyed because of Trump...Like the rest of the country, we are reeling from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and Trump’s failed response," says President of Farmers Union.“Mask,” a new TV ad from Priorities USA Action, holds Donald Trump accountable for abandoning Americans who have lost their jobs and their health insurance during the pandemic.