hopes to Improve Citizen Engagement and Government Services.“Brad Schimel is manipulating images and telling lies to try and hide from his own soft-on-crime record of allowing over 6,000 sexual assault kits to sit untested for two years and letting domestic abusers walk with no jail time", says campaign. reports that Brad Schimel supported the J6 pardons, Harry Dunn to join Rep. Amaad Rivera-Wagner to condemn Trump's pardons and call for commitment from our leaders to protect our democracy. is a “one-stop-shop” for nonpartisan election information, allowing voters to have access to unbiased candidate information. Wisconsin, residents filed a lawsuit against state officials who forced in-person voting in April. The RNC and the Republican Party of Wisconsin back the defendants. would help Green Bay Police Department hire local DACA resident as a police officer. includes 2019 Homicides and a Review of 20 Years of Data. Smith writes about the resources currently available to Wisconsinites to cover mortgage or rental costs, including those recommended by the Treasurers’ Homeowners Task Force, the CDC eviction moratorium and the Wisconsin Rental Assistance Program.
"No community is immune from COVID-19 -- we’ve seen that everywhere across this state, whether it’s here in Janesville or cities or rural communities, the virus has reached everywhere because of Trump's failures."