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An Independence Day For The Ages

Posted by Jeff Smith, State Senator District 31
Jeff Smith, State Senator District 31
Jeff Smith, Senator District 31 (D - Eau Claire)
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on Wednesday, 03 July 2024
in Wisconsin

4th-flag-usSenator Smith encourages readers to take time during the 4th of July festivities to reflect on the privilege we have of living in such a great nation, and the responsibility that comes with it to continue the work of ensuring all American’s are truly free.

EAU CLAIRE - The Fourth of July is a time to celebrate the country we call home. We celebrate with fireworks, burgers, ice cream or show our red, white, and blue colors. Regardless of our specific traditions, we all find unique ways to show our patriotism.

During this time, I can’t help but reflect on the gratitude I have for being an American. We have the freedom to choose our religion, speak freely, to have a free press, the right to assemble and the right to petition our government. These freedoms should not be taken for granted and Independence Day reminds us not only of what it took to create our nation, but the effort it takes for us to keep it in tact. This is especially important to recognize when millions of people dream of entering this country with a glimpse of hope to receive such freedoms.

1776As fireworks gleam throughout the sky, I think it’s important that we acknowledge how lucky we are as Americans to live in this country. Since the birth of our nation, America has been a beacon of hope. A prominent historical example includes the millions of individuals, all of differing nationalities, who passed through Ellis Island in New York at the chance of starting a new life. Many of those migrants were our ancestors. They longed for a life free of famine, religious persecution, political oppression and economic uncertainty. Although Ellis Island closed 70 years ago, the diversity of our nation enriches our society with unique perspectives and diverse talents that continue to strengthen the fabric of our country today.

The Fourth of July is not only a time to commemorate the past but to also reflect on the present. Independence is an integral part of celebrating this day and is a key aspect of what makes America such a desirable place to live and work. When I think of independence, I also think about how each human deserves the proper legal protection to decide what they do with their bodies, including the right to choose when to start or expand their family. Your government should have no say in making such an important decision in your life, but today it does.

The Roe v. Wade court case was decided in 1973 and was made just two years after the 26th Amendment passed, granting 18 year olds the right to vote. While our country made strides for increasing voting rights and reproductive freedom during this time, we find ourselves struggling with similar issues today. For almost half a century, women had the independence to choose what to do with their bodies. Unfortunately, this was taken away in the summer of 2022.

jeff-smithIt has been two years since the Dobbs decision stripped away the fundamental right to choose when and how child bearing citizens start a family. Today, debates on abortion extend much further than whether or not to end a pregnancy. Abortion laws also curtail personal choice, bodily sovereignty and medical freedoms. Within the last two years, a hodgepodge of states have further revoked the right for women to make decisions for their own bodies.

We all understand the importance of freedom of religion, freedom of speech and freedom to petition the government. We must also understand that bodily freedom is just as important. The freedom to choose when to start or expand a family is an American value that is no longer guaranteed. For your Fourth of July celebrations, I hope you will reflect on our independence and the ways we can expand freedom for all, even in our great nation.

Senator Smith represents District 31 in the Wisconsin State Senate. The 31st Senate District includes all of Buffalo, Pepin and Trempealeau counties and portions of Pierce, Dunn, Eau Claire, Jackson and St. Croix counties.

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Not All Heroes Wear Capes

Posted by Jeff Smith, State Senator District 31
Jeff Smith, State Senator District 31
Jeff Smith, Senator District 31 (D - Eau Claire)
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on Wednesday, 26 June 2024
in Wisconsin

disability-oldSenator Smith details the heroic efforts of everyday volunteers who make the work of county Aging, Disability and Resource Centers (ADRC) possible.

EAU CLAIRE - “Not all heroes wear capes” is an expression you hear frequently to describe everyday folks doing extraordinary things without asking for credit or even boasting about their good deeds. That could easily fit the description of Lyle Orsch.

Lyle is a young man I became aware of last week. In January, he was out delivering Meals-On-Wheels as he did regularly during his high school lunch hour for the Trempealeau County ADRC. He arrived at the home of a woman who had fallen 12-hours earlier and broken her hip. He stayed with her after calling 911 until help arrived. He stayed calm and handled the situation with ease while reassuring her everything would be okay. This simple act of service saved her life. He’s a hero in my book.

elderlyLast week I had the pleasure of sitting down with several directors of county Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRC) from our area for a long conversation that spanned a wide range of topics. We discussed the delicate balance of providing care for our ever-growing population of elders in need of assistance. I learned there’s a serious shortage of volunteers who are needed to do everything such as delivering meals, driving folks to medical appointments, house cleaning, providing respite for care-givers and even minor repairs in the home most of us take for granted.

It’s an understatement to say my eyes are wide-open on the issue of ensuring that much more is done in the coming legislative session to support the role that these vital organizations play in our communities.

What is clear to me is that the work being done by ADRC’s in every county of the state is essential to supporting aging adults and others in their homes. For several years my wife has been providing care for her parents and we became more aware of the services and support provided by the ADRC. We also learned what it means to be caregivers and to never be too proud to ask for help. That’s directed at both adults needing services and their caregivers.

The ADRC mission is to provide older adults and people with physical, developmental or intellectual disabilities with the resources needed to live with dignity and security. This helps individuals achieve maximum independence and ensure quality of life.

If you have questions about aging or living with a disability, your local ADRC can help. ADRC’s provide information on a variety of programs and services. That includes long-term care options, and they also help people apply for programs and benefits, including publicly funded long-term care.

Here are some of the resources ADRC’s can offer:

While it is important to promote and thank the staff of these fine organizations, we must also keep in mind they are being asked to do a lot with very little money. Annual budgets for ADRC’s are simply not keeping up with the increased costs associated with operating these services. Keep in mind the aging population is only going to grow.

jeff-smithThe ‘silver tsunami’ is here. More financial support is needed by the state and as your state senator, I will be the first to advocate for more money during the next budget, which starts in earnest this coming January.

In addition to more state funds, volunteers are critically needed to ensure the smooth operation of these services in every county. As I heard several times during our conversation, this kind of community service is incredibly meaningful and the need is great.

The regular contact volunteers like Lyle offer for these folks is in some cases the only regular contact they receive. How about you? Do you have a couple hours you could help drive someone to an appointment or deliver some meals? Give your county ADRC a call today to learn more about how you can help.

Senator Smith represents District 31 in the Wisconsin State Senate. The 31st Senate District includes all of Buffalo, Pepin and Trempealeau counties and portions of Pierce, Dunn, Eau Claire, Jackson and St. Croix counties.

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Celebrate Pride Month

Posted by Jeff Smith, State Senator District 31
Jeff Smith, State Senator District 31
Jeff Smith, Senator District 31 (D - Eau Claire)
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on Wednesday, 19 June 2024
in Wisconsin

lgbtq-rainbow-flagSenator Smith celebrates Pride Month recounting the events leading from the Stonewall uprising, and Wisconsin’s leadership as the first state to pass a non-discrimination law, to the continued struggle for equality today for our LGBTQ+ community.

EAU CLAIRE - Martin Luther King, Jr. reminded us that “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” Over the course of my life, I can look back and see how true that statement is. History shows us the very tangible progress we have made, even in recent years, but it’s important to remember that we didn’t come this far by chance alone.

During Pride Month, this June and beyond, we are reminded of the importance of standing together to support and uplift our LGBTQ+ community. This month is a time to honor the progress we’ve made, acknowledge the challenges that remain and commit ourselves to the ongoing fight for equality and inclusivity. For Wisconsin, Pride Month is not just a celebration, it’s a time to remember our shared values of diversity, acceptance and human dignity, especially in the face of the challenges we saw during the last legislative session.

lgbtq-stonewall-greenwich-1969When police raided the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village the night of June 28, 1969 and began hauling patrons out to paddy wagons, it sparked an uprising. Police were caught off-guard; they had not met so much resistance in the past. But these citizens who were only able to be open about who they were in places like the Stonewall Inn had enough. Protests and violent clashes lasted for 6 days. It was this tipping point that sparked a groundswell of activism in the gay rights movement across the nation and the world.

Wisconsin has its own proud history of LGBTQ+ activism. Eight years before Stonewall in 1961, a group of men was bent on harassing patrons of the Black Nite Bar in Milwaukee. They were met with resistance and successfully kicked out of the bar. This incident has since been dubbed the “Black Nite Brawl” and “Milwaukee’s Stonewall.”

While Stonewall has been celebrated since 1969 as a turning point, there is still so much more to do. It is often said that it is our differences that make us a great nation. Accepting that we are all individuals, with our own individual backgrounds and desires, we can embrace that variety and build a vibrant and welcoming society.

Wisconsin has been a leader in LGBTQ+ rights since 1982, when we became the first state to pass a law prohibiting employment or housing discrimination based on sexual orientation (although it’s important to note that Wisconsin still does not have a law preventing discrimination based on sexual identity). It would be nine years before any other state would pass such protections.  This groundbreaking legislation was a beacon of hope and a model for other states to follow. Yet, despite these strides, the LGBTQ+ community continues to face significant obstacles. From healthcare disparities to discrimination in various aspects of daily life like housing and employment.

jeff-smithOne of the most pressing issues facing our LGBTQ+ community is the fight for comprehensive non-discrimination protections. There is still a need for robust legal safeguards that protect individuals based on gender identity and expression. Every Wisconsinite, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, deserves to live free from discrimination. It is our responsibility as policymakers to ensure that these protections are enshrined in our laws.

Healthcare access is another critical area where we must focus our efforts. Studies have shown that LGBTQ+ individuals often face barriers to accessing quality healthcare, leading to disparities in physical and mental health outcomes. Transgender individuals, in particular, experience high rates of discrimination and inadequate care. By promoting inclusive healthcare policies and supporting providers who offer affirming care, we can help bridge these gaps and ensure that everyone in our community receives the care they deserve.

This Pride Month, I encourage everyone to join in the celebrations. Attend local Pride events, support LGBTQ+ businesses and engage in conversations about the importance of equality and inclusion. Let’s use this month as an opportunity to reflect on the progress we have made and recommit ourselves to the work that still needs to be done, especially in the upcoming legislative session in January.

Senator Smith represents District 31 in the Wisconsin State Senate. The 31st Senate District includes all of Buffalo, Pepin and Trempealeau counties and portions of Pierce, Dunn, Eau Claire, Jackson and St. Croix counties.

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Breaking Ground for a Better Community

Posted by Jeff Smith, State Senator District 31
Jeff Smith, State Senator District 31
Jeff Smith, Senator District 31 (D - Eau Claire)
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on Wednesday, 12 June 2024
in Wisconsin

uwec-campus-clockSen. Smith and Rep. Emerson highlight the bi-partisan achievement last legislative session of funding a new Science and Health Sciences building for the UW-Eau Claire campus.

EAU CLAIRE, WI - Breaking ground for the new Science and Health Sciences building on the UW-Eau Claire campus is a big deal. It’s been a long haul, but we’re finally there. Planning for a new state-of-the-art facility has been in the works for at least a decade, and now it’s becoming a reality.

The need has been evident to anyone who walks through the current Phillips Science Building. Built over 60 years ago, it has far outlived its usefulness.

When it was built, the Phillips Science building met all the expectations of the times. So many students started their journey there, and it ultimately led them to great careers and discoveries. But current science applications have outgrown what the current building can support. Of course, that’s not to mention the maintenance needs of a 60 year old building.

As with any worthwhile endeavor, getting to this point in time has not been easy. UWEC officials have worked hard to convince many others that investing approximately $340 million into a science building in Eau Claire would be a smart investment.

Local officials needed to be on board, the UW System Board of Regents needed to support the idea and, finally, legislators and the governor had to agree to make its construction a spending priority. A lot of politicking goes into such a big project and all for good reason. If it makes it through such a vetting process and convinced that many people, it was worthy of approval. And this one sure is.

uwec-campusThe funding approvals in 2019 and 2023 happened in the biennial state budgets. Early in both the 2019 and 2023 budget processes, we requested the Governor to include the science building project in his budgets. Thankfully, Governor Evers also recognized the importance and included the project in his budgets.

The hardest part was getting the project approved by the Republican-controlled legislature and Joint Finance Committee. There were hiccups along the way. For instance when Republicans blocked approval of the project on the building commission, but it eventually got done, despite political nonsense.

In the last four-years, Republicans and Democrats haven’t agreed on much, but we all agreed that the UWEC Science and Health Sciences building needed to get done. As rare as that is, both sides came together for this big investment in the Chippewa Valley for the course of 5 years.

The most unique and exciting aspect of this process was Mayo Clinic Health System’s $14 million investment in the project. This is the largest private donation to a UW-System academic building outside of Madison or Milwaukee in our state’s history.

Once completed the UWEC Science and Health Sciences building will be the largest in the Universities of Wisconsin. With Mayo as a partner, we expect big things to happen on Eau Claire’s campus.

jeff-smithThe new Science and Health Sciences building will enable UWEC to build on their nationally recognized reputation for producing top-notch chemists and researchers. In the past decade, research experiences at UWEC have resulted in over 130 students appearing as co-authors on articles published in peer-reviewed journals, and a similar number presenting their research results at national scientific meetings. These high-impact outcomes help to explain why UWEC ranks in the 97th percentile among its peer institutions as the baccalaureate origin of students who go on to earn a Ph.D. in chemistry.

jodi-emersonGrowing off past success demonstrates how well earned this project is. Our entire state will benefit from the research and the draw of talent that the new Science and Health Sciences building will attract to our community.

We haven’t even mentioned the immediate economic benefits to the Chippewa Valley with such an immense construction project. The professionals that will be employed throughout the construction phase is just a sweet bonus.

This is what can happen when we come to an agreement and choose to work together. Everyone benefits and not one person can take the credit. We look forward to more opportunities like this. After all, we all do better when we all do better.

Senator Smith represents District 31 in the Wisconsin State Senate. The 31st Senate District includes all of Buffalo, Pepin and Trempealeau counties and portions of Pierce, Dunn, Eau Claire, Jackson and St. Croix counties.

Representative Jodi Emerson represents District 91 including eastern Eau Clare and rural areas to the east.

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Find a Dairy Breakfast Near You

Posted by Jeff Smith, State Senator District 31
Jeff Smith, State Senator District 31
Jeff Smith, Senator District 31 (D - Eau Claire)
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on Wednesday, 05 June 2024
in Wisconsin

dairy-farm-platevilleSenator Smith celebrates June Dairy Month by inviting readers to plan a trip to one of the many County Dairy Breakfast events happening across Wisconsin, all in the month of June.

EAU CLAIRE, WI - June is my favorite time of the year for many reasons. The weather is absolutely beautiful, school is out and people are generally in a great mood during my Stop N’ Talk events. But most of all, I love spending time meeting people and getting to know the farmers who host our County Dairy Breakfast events.

For over 50 years, dairy breakfast events have been an iconic staple of our great Wisconsin summers. They are a great time to visit a family-owned farm, eat some amazing, locally grown food and make some memories with your family. It’s also a great time to celebrate all that our dairy industry does for each of us in the state.

farmhouse-breakfastWisconsin has celebrated June Dairy Month with dairy breakfasts in nearly every county. Each year a different farm will host a dairy breakfast in their county, making it even more fun and interesting. Anyone can attend, and they do by the thousands. You’ll find hundreds of people in line for delicious pancakes, waffles, milk, cheese curds and ice cream served by the host family and volunteers from the area.

While our state is a national leader in cranberry and potato production, dairy is still king in Wisconsin. Despite the loss of many farms in our state, we’ve still held on to the title of America’s Dairyland – and for good reason.

According to the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP)*, we have 1.28 million cows and almost 5,500 dairy farms in Wisconsin, which is more than any other state. Dairy alone accounts for $45.6 billion to our economy in Wisconsin. If these numbers didn’t convince you, the fact that Packer fans wear foam cheesehead hats to games is evidence enough that we take our title of America’s Dairyland very seriously.

Year after year, Wisconsin cheesemakers prove their products are incomparable. From Colby to aged Sharp Cheddar; from Gouda to Asiago; from string cheese to cheese curds, we’re spoiled here with the best tasting cheeses in the world. With over 1,200 licensed cheesemakers producing over 600 types of cheeses, we have almost twice as many cheese choices than any other state. Our cheesemakers produce 25% of the cheese consumed in America, which amounted to 3.51 billion pounds in 2023, including a whopping 942 million pounds of specialty cheeses.

Dairy breakfasts are more than just about the food, though. It’s about learning where our milk comes from. As visitors meander around the grounds, they’re able to take hay rides, examine the latest equipment and even watch demonstrations. Of course, the animals are often the main attraction for young kids.

Dairy breakfasts have proven to be extremely successful over the years. Host families put in a lot of work to make it a memorable experience for every visitor. Show your appreciation for our farmers and members of Wisconsin’s agricultural industry by visiting a dairy breakfast this June. Find your nearest dairy breakfast at and bring the family out this month to enjoy some live music, farm activities and the best breakfast you could ask for.

jeff-smithSo, what are you waiting for? Go to and plan on attending one (or all) of these Dairy Breakfast events in our area:

·         Chippewa County Dairy Breakfast: June 5 @ Riverview Park

·         Pepin County Town and Country Dairy Breakfast: June 8 @ Koller Farm

·         Eau Claire County Dairy Breakfast: June 15 @ Bischoff Farms

·         Pierce County Dairy Breakfast: June 15 @ Randy and Lori Larson’s Farm

·         Buffalo County Dairy Breakfast: June 22 @ Mar-Bec Dairy

·         Trempealeau County Dairy Breakfast: June 22 @ Bert-Mar Farms

·         Dunn County Dairy Breakfast: June 29 @ Gilbertson Farms


Senator Smith represents District 31 in the Wisconsin State Senate. The 31st Senate District includes all of Buffalo, Pepin and Trempealeau counties and portions of Pierce, Dunn, Eau Claire, Jackson and St. Croix counties.

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