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Governor Walker Sends Irresponsible Budget to Legislature

Posted by Lena Taylor, State Senator, 4th District
Lena Taylor, State Senator, 4th District
Lena Taylor, State Senator, 4th District has not set their biography yet
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on Wednesday, 15 February 2017 in Wisconsin

scott-walker-budget-talkSince his Milwaukee County days, Scott Walker has used the budget process to make political promises and then let the legislators find the money, or not, to fulfill them.

MILWAUKEE - Last Wednesday, Governor Walker announced his 2017-2019 budget.

Now, I've had a front seat to Walker's budgets since he was Milwaukee County Executive. This fiscal irresponsibility is nothing new. His budgets have always been about campaigning, not governing. He’s so focused on campaigning that he produces irresponsible budgets and leaves the real work for others.

This budget is based on fake math, and it’s so bad that even Republicans aren’t rushing to defend it. I look forward to working with my fellow Democrats in the Joint Finance Committee to find solutions to the crises Governor Walker ignored, like juvenile corrections, transportation infrastructure, student loan debt, and redirecting the pipeline from prison to college.

Walker's tuition cut: unreal money

uw-mdsn-bascomAs part of his budget, Walker has proposed adding more than half a billion dollars in new spending for K-12 schools and to cut tuition 5 percent for students attending University of Wisconsin System campuses while also adding funding for the System.

The fact of the matter is we need a fully-funded UW. Maybe Walker should instead focus on reversing the $250 million in cuts he made two years ago. We all know that the new education spending is just a way for Walker to improve his approval rating as he seeks a third term.

Governor Walker talks a really good talk, but I want him to walk the walk. I want him to replace the deep cuts that he has made to the UW system.

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Lena Taylor, State Senator, 4th District has not set their biography yet


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