MADISON - A coalition partner of ours at a group called American Oversight asked me to send them a statement about the assault on voting rights here in Wisconsin, so this is what I wrote:
The Wisconsin GOP’s Shameful Two Years
This week, we’ve also been tracking the big money in the governor’s race. Here are our two posts on Evers and Michels:
Evers Raises $4.5M+ in About a Month
Michels Raises $5.4M+ in August Mostly from His Own Pocket
A couple things concern me about these reports. For one thing, should Michels just be able to waltz in and buy the governor’s mansion because he has unlimited personal funds?
And as for Evers, do we really want all those out-of-state donors pouring their big money in? What right do they have to influence who should be governor of Wisconsin when they don’t even live here?
These reports highlight the need for comprehensive campaign finance reform so that each of us gets an equal say in who gets elected.
We’re a long way from that right now.
I hope you have a nice weekend (it’ll be nicer if you don’t watch all the ugly campaign ads on your screens!).
Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
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