Wis Democracy Campaign "Kochs, WMC Behind Bills"
MADISON - Over the last couple weeks, the influence of the Koch Brothers and Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce (WMC) has been on display, if you were looking.
And we were looking!
First, we discovered that two senior officials at the Koch-funded Americans for Prosperity suddenly resigned to do campaign work for Michael Screnock, the Walker ally who is running for Wisconsin Supreme Court:
Court candidate hires former Koch group executives as campaign advisors
Then we saw that Koch groups were the only ones that registered in favor of another bill that Walker just signed which will deregulate several occupations:
Walker approves Koch bills to loosen licensing
WMC and the Kochs were behind yet another bill Walker just signed that’ll let landowners do just about anything with their property, even if it wasn’t zoned for such a purpose:
Walker signs lax land-use bill backed by big boys
And WMC, along with a veritable polluters’ lobby, is backing a bill to do away with Wisconsin’s regulations that protect our clean air:
WMC behind Republican bill to repeal state air pollution rules
This is why I say that the Koch Brothers and WMC are the folks that really run Wisconsin – not Walker or Fitzgerald or Vos. They’re just the hired help.
You can count on us to keep showing you who the real powers are in Wisconsin – and what effect they are having on all of our lives!
Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
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