Written by Laura Kiefert, Green Bay Progressive
Monday, 10 February 2025 15:46 | A Fractured Government in the Face of Presidential Overreach
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky
Friday, 07 February 2025 10:43 |
MILWAUKEE - In the 3rd week of the Trump Regime the pace of disruption continues to intensify with escalating attacks on the Constitutional order and the President’s outrageous ethnic cleansing proposal for Gaza. As the liberal resistance to authoritarianism begins to build, Robert prepares us for the pivotal federal budget fight where tax cuts for the wealthy will result in massive cuts to Medicaid. Given that 20% of all Americans and 50% of Children get their healthcare through Medicaid, this is a winnable fight if we mobilize for a large-scale campaign.
In Wisconsin we are preparing for the Governor’s state budget release in mid February, and the Legislative stage of the budget process. Citizen Action will host an upcoming Capitol Lobby Day on March 4th. We also preview new legislation requiring the Legislature to pass a concrete and enforceable plan to meet the global targets necessary to avert runaway climate change.
Finally, we have an in-depth conversation with Citizen Action organizer Jeremy Gragert and child care provider Julia Bennker to discuss the vital importance of ongoing organizing to increase funding for child care in the state budget.
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Written by GOV Press Wisconsin
Thursday, 06 February 2025 15:11 |
MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers today delivered the weekly radio address highlighting his efforts to ensure Wisconsinites have access to clean, safe drinking water. Earlier this week, Gov. Evers announced new comprehensive plans from his upcoming 2025-27 Executive Budget to combat per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination statewide, protect kids and families from harmful water contaminants in 2025 the Year of the Kid, and expand access to clean and safe drinking water for Wisconsinites across the state.
Written by Laura Kiefert, Green Bay Progressive
Friday, 31 January 2025 17:41 | Trump's tone-deaf attempt to turn the DC plane crash into an excuse to scapegoat diversity initiatives only shows his dishonesty and incompetence.
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky
Friday, 31 January 2025 11:05 |
MILWAUKEE - We continue to highlight that Boss Vos is blocking bi-partisan health care for children and mothers for the first year of the child’s life and is creating a wedge among Republican Legislators. Is this a foot in the door to more legislative independence from the powerful “boss” of the Assembly? We think it is an important fight that must be won or there will be more futility in the upcoming state budget and next legislative session despite new maps. We urge our listeners to call their state representatives immediately, especially Republicans.
We preview the upcoming state budget battle on public education funding by revealing new data finding Wisconsin again has the widest disparity in US between Black and White reading scores following over a decade of state budgets failing to properly fund public schools, including the last state budget that gave away a historic increase to failed voucher schools. We encourage our listeners to sign up for an upcoming Citizen Acton lobby day at the state Capitol on March 4th.
We highlight the mainstream media taking the bait on a fake Susan Crawford scandal hook, line, and sinker, with Wisconsin Public Radio’s awful headline leading the pack of poor coverage. We encourage our listeners to attend our An Evening with Susan Crawford, February 13th, 6pm and hear directly from the candidate.
We review and try to provide context to Trump’s continued chaos this week, including ramping up ICE raids, Trump’s flagrantly illegal order to freeze all in-direct federal social spending causes confusion and pain. We discuss our appreciation for the leadership many state and local leaders have shown standing up to Trump actions during the first couple of weeks, including Wisconsin Democrats proposing legislation to forbid state and local officials from cooperating with mass deportation. The leadership of state and local progressives will be vital to continue making progress on the issues and values we care about as the federal government descends into dysfunction on these critical priorities.
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Written by GOV Press Wisconsin
Thursday, 30 January 2025 16:59 |
MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers today delivered his weekly radio address highlighting efforts announced during his 2025 State of the State address to reduce crime and keep kids, families, and communities safe by preventing gun violence.
Earlier this month, Gov. Evers also signed Executive Order #254, creating a statewide Wisconsin Office of Violence Prevention, and announced that he is directing $10 million for the Office to begin its work and administer grants supporting violence and gun violence prevention efforts statewide. As part of his 2025 State of the State address, Gov. Evers also announced that his 2025-27 Executive Budget will provide his most robust and comprehensive gun safety reform efforts to date, in addition to providing sustainable, ongoing state funding to make the Wisconsin Office of Violence Prevention a permanent office in state government.
Written by Mark Smith, Oconto Falls, WI
Thursday, 30 January 2025 12:29 | Our way or the highway? Oconto Falls resident comments on Republican tactics in Madison.
Written by Laura Kiefert, Green Bay Progressive
Wednesday, 29 January 2025 11:16 | General policies and beliefs have real results when implemented.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 29 January 2025 12:15 |
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky
Friday, 24 January 2025 11:17 |
MILWAUKEE - Welcome to Trump’s America. We review the first 72 hours of manic action by the Trump Regime. We commend the moral courage of the pastor that stood up to Trump on behalf of the most vulnerable among us: “was anyone going to say anything.” Trump illegally impounds IRA and IIJA money, causing massive confusion. Meanwhile popular and essential healthcare and green infrastructure projects are put on the chopping block to fund massive new tax cuts for billionaires and the most profitable corporations. However, time remains for public response to popular issues to make a difference.
We discuss Governor Tony Evers’ State of the State speech on Wednesday evening, highlighting key priorities including; increased investments in K-12/tech colleges and universities, state funding to fill in expiring federal child care funding; new climate jobs and apprenticeships; and reigning in prescription drug costs. But while the Governor signaled support for many key priorities, what does it mean that he started the speech praising a decade and a half of Republican initiated tax cuts? Will the Governor raise the revenue needed to sustainably fund public schools, child care, health care, shared revenue, and the many other underfunded state priorities?
We close highlighting Boss Robin Vos’ effort to kill a bi-partisan Medicaid deal to expand access to healthcare for postpartum moms and their infants! We encourage our listeners to contact their state legislators to support the bi-partisan deal. Contact your legislators today.
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Written by GOV Press Wisconsin
Thursday, 23 January 2025 14:22 |
MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers today shared excerpts from his 2025 State of the State address in his weekly radio address. The governor delivered his 2025 State of the State address on Wed., Jan. 22, at the Wisconsin State Capitol, where he highlighted the Evers Administration’s successes over the past year to bolster the state’s workforce and address the longstanding workforce challenges, make state government work smarter and more efficiently, and continue building an economy that works for everyone.
Last Updated on Friday, 24 January 2025 18:18 |