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“Draining wetlands on GOP holiday wish list” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 22 December 2017 14:37

draiining_wetlands1The destructive GOP effort to expand Foxconn’s wetlands exemptions statewide, our 12th annual Health Insurance Cost Ranking Report, and the MacIver Institute’s laughable list of the top ten lies of 2017

STATEWIDE - After reviewing the draconian implications of the GOP tax scam bill that was forced through Congress this week, we welcome State Rep. Jonathan Brostoff to educate us on the GOP effort to expand Foxconn’s wetlands exemptions statewide, putting one million acres of wetlands at risk. Republicans are looking to ram the wetlands destruction bill quickly through the Legislature.

Robert also tells us about Citizen Action’s 12th annual Health Insurance Cost Ranking Report which examines the cost of healthcare in different parts of the state. The report reveals the damage GOP sabotage of the ACA is causing and why BadgerCare Public Option legislation is so important.

We also discuss MacIver Institute’s laughable list of the top ten lies of 2017 that includes Citizen Action for supporting BadgerCare for all. Happy holiday to all our listeners. See you in 2018!

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Democratic Radio: Happy Holidays PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   
Thursday, 21 December 2017 13:59

gb-garden-lightsMADISON - Rep. Gary Hebl (D - Sun Prairie) gives this week’s Democratic Radio Address.

Audio of Radio Address

The text of the address is presented below.

gary-heblHello. This is State Representative Gary Hebl with this week’s Democratic Radio Address.

The holidays are a time to come together with family and friends to enjoy good food and good conversation. Those conversations can provide an opportunity to discuss the issues that matter most to you.

For Wisconsin Democrats, those issues include access to quality, affordable health care, supporting public K-12 education, affordable higher education, creating family supporting jobs, and ensuring a clean and healthy environment for future generations to come.

The holidays are also a time to reflect on the year that’s passed and to look forward to the New Year.

More than any other year, 2017 has taught us the power of civic engagement, from the Women’s March in January to sweeping progressive victories in Virginia, New Jersey, and Alabama in recent months.

This resurgent civic engagement brings with it hope for 2018. Democrats are looking forward to next year because we are eager to get back to the issues that are important to you, the residents of Wisconsin.

Democrats in Wisconsin have not forgotten that we were elected to be your voice in the Capitol.

That is why I encourage you, now more than ever, to contact your elected officials and share your thoughts on how to move Wisconsin forward. Whether it’s by calling local school board members or contacting your state representative or senator, we want to know which issues are important to you.

I would like to thank everyone that has taken time to make sure their voices were heard over the last year, and I want to wish everyone happy holidays and a wonderful New Year.

Wisconsin Elections Commission Needs to be Run by Best Administrators PDF Print E-mail
Written by League of Women Voters WI, Erin Grunze   
Thursday, 21 December 2017 12:24

voterThe WEC was established to be bipartisan. Bringing a partisan dispute to the commission harms it's reputation and the public trust.

Last Updated on Thursday, 21 December 2017 16:12
“Alabama Crimson Blue Tide” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 15 December 2017 16:57

roll_blue_tideWe discuss Tuesday's Alabama Senate election, the End Child Poverty campaign, new legislation to cut Wisconsin’s prison population, and more.

STATEWIDE - We are joined by former state representative and Citizen Action Board member, Mandela Barnes, to discuss lessons from Tuesday's Alabama Senate election. Robert educates us on this week’s launch of the End Child Poverty campaign that Citizen Action is leading with WISDOM, Kids Forward and Wisconsin Council of Churches.

We also discuss: New legislation from Rep. Goyke to cut Wisconsin’s prison population; Wisconsin now has 50 counties in a lawsuit against pharmaceutical companies for "being directly responsible" for the opioid crisis; How legislation to close a corporate tax loophole in WI is being blocked by GOP leadership; and The latest Foxconn news. We also reflect on the 5 year anniversary of the Newton mass shooting of 20 students and 6 educators and how we have failed to pass basic gun restrictions since this incident.

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Democratic radio: Empty Seats PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Bridget Esser   
Friday, 15 December 2017 16:47

drunk-drivingWisconsin continues to be the worst in the nation with the highest rate of drunk driving. We can do more.

MADISON, WI – Senator Chris Larson (D-Milwaukee) offered the weekly Democratic radio address today.

The audio file of this week’s address can be found here:

A written transcript of the address is below:

chris-larson“Hello. This is Senator Chris Larson with your weekly Democratic Radio Address.

During this holiday season, families across Wisconsin will gather to celebrate the holidays with loved ones. Friends and family, neighbors and coworkers will come together at holiday parties, and dining room tables to enjoy the warmth of each other’s company. But at some of our dining room tables, there will empty seats.

“On Christmas Eve 1998, I woke up to find my good friend, and classmate, Jennie, had been killed by a drunk driver the night before.

“It was a devastating blow to each of us who knew her. It was a preventable tragedy and something that shaped each of us going forward. Unfortunately, stories like Jennie’s are far too common. In

2016 alone, there were 193 deaths related to drunk driving.

“With 1 in 4 adults admitting to driving while intoxicated, Wisconsin continues to be the worst in the nation with the highest rate of drunk driving. More alarmingly, first-time OWI offenders are estimated to have driven under the influence at least 80 times before their initial conviction.

“It is irresponsible and unacceptable to continue to ignore preventable deaths and injuries due to drunk driving. So, Democratic colleagues and I are introducing legislation to shut the door on the drunk driving culture in our state. The Drunk Driving Prevention Act’s purpose is to increase the accountability of offenders in order to change the culture and of drinking and driving in Wisconsin through the use of ignition interlock devices (IIDs). These devices help separate drinking from driving, and are proven effective in stopping drunk driving. The legislation being proposed will mandate that all drivers convicted of an OWI must install an IID on all vehicles driven for 1 year. The facts show when ignition interlock devices are installed, reoccurrence of drunk driving is reduced by 67%.

“As we travel and enjoy this holiday season, let’s remember to be mindful this is also the season where roads becoming more dangerous due to increased drunk driving. It’s well past time we do more to change the drinking and driving culture of Wisconsin and stop preventable deaths, injuries, and property loss. Let’s make sure more seats are filled around the table this Christmas.

“Merry Christmas and have a safe and Happy Holidays.”

Senator Tim Carpenter: Save Our SeniorCare! PDF Print E-mail
Written by Tim Carpenter Press, State Senator District 3   
Tuesday, 12 December 2017 09:53

elderly-people-on-computerProgram is extremely important to our most vulnerable citizens to protect them from sky rocketing prescription drug prices.

MILWAUKEE - In what is beginning to seem like an annual tradition, I am once again calling on Governor Walker and legislative republicans to pass my SeniorCare protection Act and ensure this program is continued for future seniors in Wisconsin.

tim-carpenterI have sent letters to Senator Leah Vukmir and Governor Walker 10 days ago requesting that this legislation be passed as quickly as possible. In this season of giving, it is time we give our seniors the gift of security in knowing that their prescription drug program SeniorCare will continue beyond the temporary whims of politicians in Madison.

For fifteen years SeniorCare has been run under a federal waiver and has been providing lifesaving drugs to our seniors at a fraction of standard prescription drug costs. It is the only such program of its kind in the nation and it saves taxpayers tens of millions of dollars. Savings from discounts on bulk purchases of prescription drugs and rebates from drug companies, which lowers the price of life saving prescriptions for seniors.

Governor Walker and legislative republicans have threatened to kill SeniorCare in past budgets and have refused to secure a federal extension beyond 2018 for a SeniorCare waiver. Now is the time to send an SOS to Republicans to “Save our SeniorCare.” Access to affordable prescription drugs keeps our seniors healthier and helps prevent unnecessary and costly hospital visits.

Contact your State Legislators now and request they immediately fight for a Federal waiver extension for continuing SeniorCare. This life saving program is extremely important to our most vulnerable citizens to protect them from sky rocketing prescription drug prices.

You can find out who represents you at Call your representatives and tell them SOS — “Save our SeniorCare.”

Last Updated on Tuesday, 12 December 2017 10:09
Erpenbach on Trickle Down Policies PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jon Erpenbach Press. State Senator 27th District   
Friday, 08 December 2017 16:38

trump-ryanA guest column from Senator Jon Erpenbach on how Federal policies affect our lives and the state budget bottom line.

Last Updated on Friday, 08 December 2017 17:43
"GOP ideology: the pig has no pants" Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 08 December 2017 11:07

pig-nopantsWe discuss the malicious motives behind the GOP tax scam bill, Foxconn, progressive candidates, and more...

STATEWIDE - This week two GOP senators unintentionally reveal the malicious motives behind the GOP tax scam bill.

Next, we dig into the latest in "the Foxconn" scandal and Walker's sudden about face on federal health care funding.

We welcome Eric Couto, executive director of Wisconsin Progress, to educate our listeners on the candidate recruitment and training program they offer progressive candidates. We also discuss Milwaukee Judge Joe Donald’s call for a new more humane and proactive approach to juvenile justice and for the closure of the scandal-ridden Lincoln Hills facility.


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Last Updated on Friday, 08 December 2017 11:25
Will The Last Young Person In Wisconsin Please Turn Off The Light? PDF Print E-mail
Written by Andy Gronik Press Office, Brandon Weathersby   
Saturday, 02 December 2017 15:35

wisc-leavingAfter Seven Years, Career Politician Gov. Scott Walker Finally Realizes Disturbing Wisconsin Trend.

MILWAUKEE - Ads, really? After seven years of being the top executive in the state, Gov. Scott Walker finally recognized a disturbing trend that his failed policies have created in Wisconsin: young people are leaving the state in droves for good-paying jobs and lives elsewhere. The future of our state depends on attracting young people to live within our borders, something Gov. Walker thinks can be done by spending millions on advertising instead of having a comprehensive strategy and plan to recruit and retain young workers.

"You don't have to be a Ph.D in Economics to recognize that our population is aging and young people have been fleeing our state under Gov Walker," said gubernatorial candidate Andy Gronik. "It's absurd that it took Gov. Walker seven years to recognize this trend instead of dealing with the loss of our young people, proactively. And, adding insult to severe injury, Walker's assertion that he can attract young people back to Wisconsin by paying $6.8 million to run ads in other states is juvenile and doesn't address the institutional failure of his administration to create the living and work environments that young people desire.”

The bottom line is that young people want good-paying jobs; they want to live in communities that offer a 21st-century economy, and most importantly, they want respect and a seat at the table. Gov Walker’s policies haven't scratched the surface of all that’s necessary to demonstrate to young people that we want them here in our state.

andy-gronik"I plan to make young people the architects of our future and that’s why I’m already holding youth forums to identify the leaders of our future and the very best ideas for attracting young people back to Wisconsin,” said Gronik.

In August, Gronik proposed a plan to recruit and retain young graduates by helping them pay back student loans instead of paying state income taxes - a plan that gives every company in Wisconsin a recruiting and retention tool.

“I’ll invest in statewide in creating common spaces for work and brainstorming; recreation spaces for bike commuters and dog walkers; and the lightning-fast Internet needed to connect devices in cities spaces and remote areas. Career politicians like Gov. Scott Walker aren’t going to get the job done with gimmicks and conventional thinking," concluded Gronik. "That's why I'm already listening to young people on their terms, and not mine, and working on fresh solutions that I will make actionable on the very first day of my administration. It's time to finally stop telling millennials that 'they don't work right' and let them know that they are the key to the future of our state.”

Last Updated on Monday, 04 December 2017 15:46
Wis Democracy Campaign "Kochs, WMC Behind Bills" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Friday, 01 December 2017 19:08

koch-brothersMADISON - Over the last couple weeks, the influence of the Koch Brothers and Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce (WMC) has been on display, if you were looking.

And we were looking!

First, we discovered that two senior officials at the Koch-funded Americans for Prosperity suddenly resigned to do campaign work for Michael Screnock, the Walker ally who is running for Wisconsin Supreme Court:

Court candidate hires former Koch group executives as campaign advisors

Then we saw that Koch groups were the only ones that registered in favor of another bill that Walker just signed which will deregulate several occupations:

Walker approves Koch bills to loosen licensing

WMC and the Kochs were behind yet another bill Walker just signed that’ll let landowners do just about anything with their property, even if it wasn’t zoned for such a purpose:

Walker signs lax land-use bill backed by big boys

And WMC, along with a veritable polluters’ lobby, is backing a bill to do away with Wisconsin’s regulations that protect our clean air:

WMC behind Republican bill to repeal state air pollution rules

This is why I say that the Koch Brothers and WMC are the folks that really run Wisconsin – not Walker or Fitzgerald or Vos. They’re just the hired help.

You can count on us to keep showing you who the real powers are in Wisconsin – and what effect they are having on all of our lives!


Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
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P.S. If you appreciate our urgent work, please send us a tax-deductible gift today. It’s simple: Just click here. Or mail it in the old-fashioned way to the address below. Thanks!

Last Updated on Saturday, 02 December 2017 10:14
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