Wednesday October 23, 2024

An Independent Progressive Media Outlet

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The latest news from the Nation and the World.

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# Article Title Author Hits
1 What did Mike Gallagher Know about Walker's Meeting with Russian spy? Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Courtney Beyer 8676
2 Walker's in DC Today Cozying Up to Trump Democratic Party of Wisconsin, TJ Helmstetter 6862
3 Walker Refuses To Deny He's The Official Referenced In FBI Affidavit Related To Russia Democratic Party of Wisconsin, TJ Helmstetter 9378
4 Cruel Separation of Families at U.S-Mexico Border WisDems Press 7485
5 NoRA Statement on Santa Fe, Texas School Shooting Khary Penebaker, DNC Member WI 7839
6 Trade War With China to Have Effect on Wisconsin Lena Taylor, State Senator, 4th District 8339
7 Paul Ryan Will Not Seek Re-Election GBP Staff 7908
8 Officials Call on Speaker Ryan to Protect Public Lands Wisconsin Conservation Voters, Ryan Billingham 7616
9 Tell Congress it's time to pass the Dream Act! League Women Voters WI, Andrea Kaminski 8878
10 Trump Budget Features Vukmir, Nicholson-Endorsed Earned Benefit Cuts Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brad Bainum 7204
11 Walker Begs Trump for Help on Infrastructure Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Melanie Conklin 6967
12 Speaker Ryan Puts Partisanship Before National Security Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Melanie Conklin 7423
13 Madison to Get Air National Guard F-35 Mission Wisconsin Senate, Bridget Esser 6348
14 Stepp to Oversee Environmental Protection for Midwest Wisconsin Conservation Voters, Ryan Billingham 6822
15 GOP Tax Plan Hikes Taxes On Working Families In Giveaway To Wealthy, Corporations Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brad Bainum 6746
16 Trump Decimates National Monuments Wisconsin Conservation Voters, Ryan Billingham 7609
17 Does Rep. Gallagher still stand by Flynn? Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Melanie Conklin 7892
18 Did Sen. Ron Johnson cut a Tax Bill deal that will enrich him personally? Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Melanie Conklin 11129
19 McCabe Tells FCC 'Don’t create Internet Apartheid' Commoners for Mike McCabe, Christine Welcher 6747
20 GOP Tax “Reform” Puts Wisconsin Housing & Jobs In Direct Peril Wisconsin Democrats 8181
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