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City of Green Bay’s Online and By-Phone Services to the Public PDF Print E-mail
Written by Green Bay Mayor's Office Press   
Tuesday, 17 March 2020 10:22

greenbaywi.govMayor's office urges local residents to practice social distancing and conduct business electronically whenever possible.

Green Bay, WI - Mayor Genrich and city staff continue to monitor the status of COVID19, and are taking action to protect the health and safety of the community. The City urges residents to maintain protective practices such as hand-washing, refraining from touching one’s face and social distancing. Social distancing, encouraged by The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is the practice of keeping a six-foot distance between yourself and others, whether showing symptoms or not.

This situation is changing rapidly, and the Mayor has issued a state of emergency declaration, pending council approval.

Brown County operates 9-1-1, and this is fully active, should residents require emergency services. Additionally, Green Bay Police and Green Bay Metro Fire are fully operational and ready to respond to residents’ emergencies. Green Bay Police Department’s non-emergency number is 920-448-3200.

As of now, City Hall is open, but we are suspending all in-person meetings, and will evaluate this prohibition on a weekly basis. We encourage residents to routinely check our website, and sign-up for notifications (go to our website and click on the “notify me” button on the homepage, then input your information). The City asks residents to carefully consider whether or not to physically visit City Hall. In order to maintain protective practices, you can access City services by going on line or by making a phone call. The City of Green Bay would like to remind community members to stay at home if you are sick and exhibiting symptoms. Please go to for a deeper explanation.

eric-genrich“My first obligation as mayor is to protect the safety of this community. In the days ahead, I will make all decisions with that responsibility in mind. Please take all appropriate actions to keep you and your fellow community members safe, as we navigate these uncharted waters together, and know that your city government will continue to meet our charter to maintain the health and welfare of the community” stated Mayor Genrich.

Please visit our website Below are phone numbers and email addresses for city departments, along with the duties they perform.

Community and Economic Development; 920-448-3400

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This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it (for planning and projects)

Issues building permits, inspects residential and commercial properties, zoning (how properties can or can’t be used in a geographic area), housing development and neighborhoods.

Parks, Recreation and Forestry; 920-448-3365

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Manages parks, trails and greenways, Bay Beach Amusement Park, Wildlife Sanctuary, pools, and recreation programs for all ages. The forestry department maintains public trees.

Human Resources; 920-448-3147

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HR is continuing to recruit for vacant positions and will interview potential candidates via telephone or video conference.

Department of Public Works; 920-448-3100 or 920-448-3535

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Responsible for roads (new roads, resurfacing roads, potholes), sanitation (collects garbage and recycling at residences), snow plowing, sewers, excavation and obstruction permits, and manages parking regulations.

Mayors Office; 920-448-3005

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Manages all city departments

Clerk’s Office; 920-448-3010

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Issues licenses such as bartenders licenses, taxi cab licenses, liquor licenses and picnic permits (temporary fermented malt beverage license for bona fide clubs); also responsible for elections

Assessor’s office; 920-448-3066

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Determines the value of real estate.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 18 March 2020 16:02
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