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Bart Starr Memorial Bridge Bill Gets Public Hearing PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Jay Wadd   
Wednesday, 05 February 2020 11:32

walnut-street-bridge-gbWalnut Street Bridge in Green Bay would be renamed to honor Packer hero.

GREEN BAY, WI - Legislation introduced by State Senator Dave Hansen (D-Green Bay) that would designate and mark the Walnut Street Bridge in Green Bay as the Bart Starr Memorial Bridge received a public hearing Tuesday in the State Senate Committee on Transportation, Veterans and Military Affairs.

Author of the bill, Senate Bill 502, State Senator Dave Hansen, said the honor is well-deserved:

dave-hansen-gb“I think this is a very fitting tribute to a man who, through his personal endeavors and achievements, not only attained excellence in his pro football career, but went on to use the benefits he received from that career to do so much for our community and state,” said Hansen.

Senator Hansen went on to and thanked City Council President Mark Steuer, who also testified at in support of the bill at the hearing, for suggesting the idea.

bart-starr-packers“I want to thank Council President Steuer for bringing this idea to us. This is clearly supported by the city and it is a thoughtful tribute to a legend who cared very deeply about his community and those around him.”

Before the bill can advance to a vote by the full Senate it first must be voted out of the Senate Transportation Committee, something Hansen said he hopes happens as soon as possible.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 05 February 2020 11:56
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