Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats
Monday, 24 June 2019 22:20 |
Madison legislators should listen to the people, pass Governor Evers’ Budget Tuesday, says Green Bay's Staush Gruszynski.
MADISON - Representative Staush Gruszynski (D-Green Bay) offered the following statement ahead of the State Assembly’s Tuesday floor vote on the 2019-2021 state budget:
“Governor Evers put forth a budget that delivers the bold investments that the people of Wisconsin asked for by expanding access to affordable healthcare, restoring funding for our public schools and universities, fixing our roads and highways, and protecting Wisconsin’s natural resources for future generations. It is unfortunate that Joint Finance Committee Republicans chose to build their own budget, but the legislature still has the opportunity to choose a budget that reflects the will of the people.”
“Tomorrow, I sincerely hope that my Republican colleagues set politics aside and recognize what their Joint Finance colleagues missed: that the Governor’s budget maximizes opportunities with aggressive investments in programs that people in Green Bay and across Wisconsin desperately need,” Gruszynski said.
- We have the opportunity to expand quality, affordable health care to 82,000 Wisconsin residents, including 3,360 in Brown Country, while saving the state over $324 million by accepting federal Medicaid expansion funds.
- We have the opportunity to provide educators with the resources they need to provide all kids with a high-quality education by investing $1.4 billion in our public schools, including over $13 million in special education funding for the Green Bay Area Public School District.
- We have the opportunity to finally fix deteriorating local roads and complete long-overdue infrastructure projects while fairly distributing costs to all road users by sustainably funding transportation with an inflation-indexed gas tax increase.
- We have the opportunity to strengthen protections for our state’s environment and natural resources by establishing a Bureau of Natural Resources Science within the Department of Natural Resources and increasing funding for clean water programs.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 25 June 2019 14:29 |