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Dems Launch "Hands Off Our Care" Tour with Local Advocates PDF Print E-mail
News - Articles for State & Local
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Courtney Beyer   
Tuesday, 28 August 2018 09:57

medicare-patientWill be in Milwaukee, Green Bay, and Madison this week.

MADISON - The Democratic Party of Wisconsin will launch its “Hands Off Our Care” tour tomorrow in Milwaukee to shine light on the devastating effects Scott Walker and Republicans’ sabotage of health care has had on Wisconsin families. Speakers on the tour will also outline Democrats’ vision for the future of healthcare in Wisconsin.

Democratic leaders and stakeholders will highlight Scott Walker’s refusal to fully expand BadgerCare in Wisconsin, a move that has cost an estimated 80,000 Wisconsinites affordable coverage and cost taxpayers over $1 billion in state tax dollars. They will also speak to Scott Walker and Brad Schimel’s moves to rip coverage away from more than 2.4 million Wisconsinites with pre-existing conditions.


  • MILWAUKEE: Tuesday, August 28 at 9:30 AM -- Clock Shadow Building (130 W Bruce St Milwaukee)

  • GREEN BAY: Wednesday, August 29 at 2:00 PM -- Baird Park (601 S Webster Ave, Green Bay)

  • MADISON: Thursday, August 30 (time and location TBA)
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