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Health Advocates Ask U.S. Senate Candidates to Sign Pre-Existing Conditions Pledge PDF Print E-mail
News - Articles for State & Local
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin Press   
Thursday, 16 August 2018 16:02

healthcare-family-drAfter the last election a shocking number of candidates reneged on their public commitments to protect people with pre-existing conditions.

STATEWIDE - Today Citizen Action of Wisconsin, which brings together health professionals and patients from across the state, called on U.S. Senate candidates Sen. Tammy Baldwin and State Sen. Leah Vukmir to sign a pledge not to repeal or weaken the provisions of the Affordable Care Act outlawing discrimination against people with health conditions.

The full pledge which is being transmitted to both campaigns today, can be read here.

In the 2016 election many candidates for federal office promised voters they would protect people with pre-existing conditions, but once elected supported legislation which would have repealed or dramatically weakened the anti-discrimination provisions of the ACA.

robert_kraig“We don’t generally ask candidates to sign pledges, but in this case we think it is essential for voters to have solid information on what the U.S. Senate candidates will actually do if elected to protect people with pre-existing conditions,” said Robert Kraig, Executive Director of Citizen Action of Wisconsin.  “After the last election a shocking number of candidates reneged on their public commitments to protect people with pre-existing conditions, threatening the lives and life savings of millions of Americans. Given the critical importance of these protections, the people of Wisconsin have a right to know where the U.S. Senate candidates stand on health care discrimination before they vote in November.”

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