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Democratic Radio "Stewardship Heritage Under Attack" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Kate Constalie   
Thursday, 05 October 2017 10:47

great-river-road-wiMADISON – Today, Senator Chris Larson offered the following Democratic Weekly Radio address regarding preserving our shared, public lands and waters.

The audio file can be found here.

A written transcript of the address is as follows.

chris_larson“Hello. This is state Senator Chris Larson.

“As you know, Wisconsin is a place that prides itself on our clean and abundant water. Each of us expects and deserves access to safe water to drink and the reassurance that our state policies reflect a long-term commitment to safeguarding the quality health of our shared natural land.

“Across Wisconsin, our neighbors are concerned about the health and quality of our rivers, streams, and forests after years of Republicans putting polluters and profits over people. It’s no secret that they have been quietly eroding our heritage of good stewardship.

“Right now, a dangerous bill, Senate Bill 395, is being pushed through by the Republican-controlled Legislature. This, despite broad concerns from the public and conservation advocates. Senate Bill 395 threatens the health and safety of our land and water by getting rid of a decades-long ‘Prove it First’ mining law that requires mining corporations to prove they can mine responsibly without hurting local drinking water before being granted a sulfide mining permit. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, sulfide mining is America's most toxic industry, proving a common sense need for an effective reporting system like the one currently in place. If passed into law, this bill would hurt Wisconsin’s water and our reputation.

We have an obligation to our children and grandchildren to ensure pollution-free water, air, and land for the health and enjoyment of generations to come. Like the majority of Wisconsinites, Wisconsin Democrats remain committed to our stewardship heritage and the future legacy of our great state.”

Last Updated on Friday, 06 October 2017 11:16
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