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Tiffany’s Industrial Acid Mining Bill is Toxic PDF Print E-mail
News - Articles for State & Local
Written by Wisconsin Conservation Voters, Ryan Billingham   
Monday, 21 August 2017 04:50

clean-drinkingLegislation Attacks Clean Water and is Another Giveaway to Out-of-State Polluters

MADISON – After months of secretive deliberations with lobbyists, Senator Tom Tiffany finally released his Industrial Acid Mining Bill, LRB2652-1, to the public. It is exactly what conservationists feared: a repeal of the Prove It First mining law and a reckless giveaway to out-of-state polluters.

There has never been a metallic sulfide mine that has not polluted nearby drinking water or other water resources like lakes and rivers. Under the Prove It First mining law, mining companies must prove a mine will not spill acid and heavy metals into waters.

Kerry Schumann, executive director, issued this statement:

“The bill introduced by Sen. Tiffany wasn’t unexpected. We knew it was coming and we are ready to let the people of Wisconsin know about its ridiculous giveaways to mining interests. Unfortunately, Sen. Tiffany has been at the forefront of so many attacks on Wisconsin’s natural resources, we have come to expect the absolute worst from him. This bill lives up to that expectation. It would repeal a common sense law that requires America’s most toxic industry – metallic sulfide mining – to prove it won’t harm Wisconsin’s environment. It’s straightforward. Want to dig up our beautiful places? Then prove you won’t permanently damage them. This bill would instead allow mining companies to leave local communities with toxic waters and the bill for cleanup. We urge all legislators to refrain from co-sponsoring this irresponsible legislation.”

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Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to electing conservation leaders, holding decision makers accountable, and encouraging lawmakers to champion conservation policies that effectively protect Wisconsin's public health and natural resources.

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Last Updated on Monday, 21 August 2017 05:15
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