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Citizen Action Issues 'Health Care Red Alert' PDF Print E-mail
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Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Robert Kraig   
Thursday, 22 June 2017 07:59

Mitch McConnellSenate Republicans will release their health care bill today in Washington, and here's what you can do about it.

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senate Republicans are poised to release the long awaited details of their health care bill later today and details leaked to the media last night. While many hoped the Senate would produce a more humane bill, in some ways it may be worse than the House version which even Donald Trump says is “mean.”

This explains why the bill has been developed in secret, and why Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is planning to ram it through in one week with as little public debate as possible. The Republican leaders know that their goal of taking health care away from millions of Americans to fund huge new tax cut for the super rich cannot succeed if the public is fully informed.

Because of the incredible work of thousands of people like you across Wisconsin, Senator Ron Johnson now says he is on the fence. Today Johnson told The Hill newspaper: “I’ve told [McConnell], unless I have the input from my constituents, unless I have got the information I need to justify a yes vote, I won’t be voting yes.”

McConnell can only lose 2 votes, so a defection by Ron Johnson could be huge. But there is a good chance that McConnell will be able to twist Johnson’s arm and force him back in line unless we can keep the pressure on!

Here’s what you can do right now:

  1. Call Ron Johnson again, and make sure all of your friends call, and urge him to vote against any bill that takes health care away from millions of Americans. (202) 224-5323

  2. Invite Ron Johnson to personally explain the Senate health bill before the vote! Click here to learn more and then be redirected to Johnson’s website to submit an invite.

  3. Give an emergency donation to Citizen Action of Wisconsin so we have the resources to keep the pressure on Ron Johnson click here

Whichever way the Senate vote turns out, Citizen Action and our members across Wisconsin will keep on fighting until health care is established as a fundamental human right in America.

Citizen Action is creating a new Health Care for All organizing cooperative to unite medical professionals, community health care workers, and patients into a social movement for universal health care. If you are interested in hearing more, email Citizen Action organizer Katie Dunn  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it and she will contact you.

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