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Why Conservative Politicians Can Never Guarantee Affordable Health Care PDF Print E-mail
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Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Kevin Kane   
Wednesday, 19 April 2017 16:14

duffy-stallingRep. Duffy outburst reveals fear of government control overrides public good.

ANTIGO, WI - In an emotional outburst at a town hall meeting yesterday in Antigo, Congressman Sean Duffy said much more than he intended about why conservative politicians who control the House of Representatives are reneging on their campaign promise to make health coverage more affordable and accessible.

At the town hall meeting, which was dominated by questions about the unsuccessful attempt to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Dora Gorski asked Duffy to support a single payer health care system to reduce costs and to guarantee health coverage to every American.

As was reported by Wisconsin Public Radio, Duffy responded with an emotional harangue:

"I would argue, 'Hell no,' to that. When the government controls your education, they control your food, they control your housing, they control your health care, they control you."

Audio of the exchange here.

Citizen Action of Wisconsin Executive Director Robert Kraig made the following statement in response:

robert-kraig“Congressman Duffy’s outburst unintentionally reveals a dangerously constricted view of government that if fulfilled would eliminate Medicare and BadgerCare, which are single payer systems, and would abolish public schools. By stating this anti-government extremism plainly, Duffy has actually helped explain why the conservative majority in the House of Representatives delivered a health care bill which forces 24 million people off health care and legalizes discrimination against people with pre-existing conditions. The modern conservative drive to radically limit the role of our democracy is incompatible with guaranteeing that everyone in America has somewhere to go to get health care no matter what. Insurance and pharmaceutical corporations are not in the business of securing affordable health care, they are driven by profit imperatives dictated by Wall Street. That’s why insurance companies will deny coverage to sick people and pharmaceutical corporations will price gouge if we let them. It is a simple truth that only “we the people, through the agency of our own democratic government, can guarantee health care to everyone in America.”

Last Updated on Saturday, 28 October 2017 15:57
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