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Republicans Appeal Redistricting Reform Order to U.S. Supreme Court PDF Print E-mail
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Written by GBP Staff   
Saturday, 25 February 2017 19:33

wi-dist-mapsRepublicans should stop playing politics with taxpayers’ money and adopt non-partisan redistricting reform says Green Bay Senator Dave Hansen.

MADISON - Wisconsin's Republican attorney general Brad Schimel filed an appeal Friday with the U.S. Supreme Court challenging a ruling striking down GOP-drawn legislative boundaries as unconstitutional.

Republicans redrew the district lines shortly after they gained complete control of state government in 2011. The new boundaries have helped the GOP maintain control of the state Senate and Assembly since then.

Voters sued in 2015 over the Republican-drawn maps, alleging they unconstitutionally consolidated GOP power and discriminated against Democrats. The three-judge panel agreed last year and ordered them redrawn.

Democrats who challenged the maps are calling on the Legislature to move quickly to draw new ones. But Schimel and Republicans don't want to do that unless the Supreme Court requires it.

dave-hansen-gb“With today’s decision by state Republicans to appeal the federal court ruling that found them to have engaged in unconstitutional gerrymandering, justice for Wisconsin’s voters is being delayed and state taxpayers are being forced to foot the bill," said Senator Dave Hansen (D-Green Bay) in a statement Friday.

After spending over $2 million to give themselves an unfair advantage in legislative elections, GOP leaders have decided to roll the dice using another $175,000 of taxpayers money to continue what has been a losing battle to defend themselves against a federal court decision that found they rigged our elections.

"It is past time for the legislature to adopt true, non-partisan redistricting reform just as our neighbors in Iowa have done," concludes Hansen. "Doing so will prevent the further waste of taxpayer dollars and ensure that Wisconsin voters get the fair and competitive elections they deserve."


Legislative writer Jay Wadd contributed to this story.

Last Updated on Saturday, 25 February 2017 20:11
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