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Laura McCoy is Running for Green Bay School Board PDF Print E-mail
Education - Articles for Education
Written by Laura McCoy, Green Bay   
Thursday, 23 February 2017 10:56

Laura McCoyLaura supports teacher retention, amplifying the important link between our local economy and good public schools, and changing the negative narrative we hear so often with respect to our schools and the teachers and staff who work in them.

GREEN BAY, WI - Our family is proud to have lived and worked in Green Bay for almost 18 years.

kidsFor many of those years I focused on raising our two daughters, but I have also served my community as a board member of our neighborhood association, the Brown County Historical Society, and the Northeastern Wisconsin Dance Organization (NEWDO). I am also proud to have been appointed by the governor to serve on the Wisconsin Historical Records Advisory Board.

I am a graduate of New London Senior High and UW-Whitewater. As each year passes, I become more aware of the role those public schools played in shaping who I am today. I believe that supporting strong public schools and the dedicated teachers, administrators and support staff who lead them is essential to the well-being of our families, our communities and our economy.

Our daughters are proud graduates of Aldo Leopold Community School and Green Bay East (Go Red Devils!). We are thankful for the excellent education and guidance they received in the Green Bay Area Public School District.

I look forward to the opportunity to give back to our community and contribute to its long tradition of strong public education by serving as a Trustee on the Green Bay School Board. Election Day is April 4, and I hope I can count on your support.

I invite you to share your thoughts and ideas with me.

Laura McCoy
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Find out more about Laura on FaceBook at Laura McCoy for Green Bay School Board.

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