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DOT Secretary Gottlieb Resigns as Walker Ignors Transportation Budget Crisis PDF Print E-mail
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Written by GBP Staff   
Friday, 30 December 2016 10:47

mark-gottliebTime and again the Governor has put his own political ambition over the needs of Wisconsinites, while Gottlieb has worked in trying to solve Wisconsin’s billion dollar transportation budget deficit.

MADISON - On Tuesday, Gov. Scott Walker announced that Mark Gottlieb has resigned as Wisconsin’s transportation secretary. The move that comes just three weeks after Gottlieb told state lawmakers that Walker’s budget would cause the state’s roads to deteriorate.

highway-const-zooIt appears Secretary Gottlieb has had enough of Governor Walker’s lack of leadership on the transportation budget crisis. Time and again the Governor has put his own political ambition over the needs of Wisconsinites, while Gottlieb has worked in trying to solve Wisconsin’s billion dollar transportation budget deficit.

tim-carpenter"I do not blame Secretary Gottlieb for “resigning” as Transportation Secretary, given Governor Walker’s refusal to accept the looming crisis and refusal to take proactive measurers to address the billion dollar budget mess at DOT," said State Senator Tim Carpenter (D - Milwaukee) in a statement. "It is apparent that Governor Walker is playing politics as usual instead of doing the responsible thing and fixing the real issues at the Department of Transportation."

The sacking of the Secretary is another prime example of Walker's inability to face the hard fiscal truths that Gottlieb has outlined. This move will do nothing to fix this crisis, it will do nothing to engender the trust of the taxpayer, and it will do nothing to ensure our local roads and infrastructure are maintained.

Says Sen. Carpenter "It’s like Wimpy used to say, “I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.” Except for Wisconsin the bill has already come due and all Governor Walker can think to do is silence the messenger."

It's just another effort by Governor Walker to manufacture his own truth, and kick the problems he has created down the road.

Last Updated on Friday, 30 December 2016 11:30
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