Candidates energized by fair maps for the first time in over a decade.
WISCONSIN—For the first time in more than two decades, Wisconsin Senate Democrats, led by Dianne Hesselbein (D-Middleton), recruited a candidate in every senate race. The deadline to submit nomination signatures to the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) was yesterday, June 3. WEC approved each of the Senate Democratic candidates’ signatures, successfully placing them on the ballot in their respective districts.
Wisconsin Democrats are energized and ready to compete for the majority after Democratic Governor Tony Evers signed fair maps into law earlier this year, a significant step towards a more equitable and representative democracy.
Jodi Habush Sinykin, a candidate who narrowly lost a bid for Senate during a 2023 special election after outperforming predictions, is running again, ready to defeat an extremist, far-right state senator. Habush Sinkyin stated, “For far too long, Republicans in control of the state legislature have been moving Wisconsin backward—on women’s reproductive healthcare, our state’s prized UW system, and our environment. It’s past time for these politicians to be held responsible for their disregard of the real problems facing Wisconsinites. I am excited about the prospect of offering voters in the new 8th Senate District a forward-thinking candidate for their next State Senator, who has experience working across the aisle to get things done in Madison.”
Sarah Keyeski, a rural mental health professional and new candidate running against another Republican incumbent, stated the following, “I was approached to run for State Senate because of my involvement and love for this community, and I'm leading a campaign that represents my deeply-held belief in our capacity as a society to be better and do better toward one another. My close ties to our state will inform my platform as I fight for a strong democracy, rural Wisconsin, mental health, reproductive choice, and our public schools.”
Senate Democratic Leader Dianne Hesselbein concluded, “For more than a decade, Legislative Republicans have been insulated from accountability because of hand-drawn maps that preserved only their interests and protected their manufactured majorities in both chambers of the state legislature.
“Wisconsinites are reinvigorated with fair maps finally in play, and voters are excited about the opportunity of representation that reflects their preferences. Senate Democrats are answering this call by running quality candidates in every Senate race this fall and giving people a real choice.” |