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Grant to Aid Economic Development around Fincantieri Marinette Marine PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Wednesday, 17 April 2024 08:49

marinette-marine-shipbuilding$631,235 TEA grant to the city of Marinette will support road construction to improve traffic flow around plant as the shipbuilding company grows its operation.

MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers, together with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT), today announced a $631,235 Transportation Economic Assistance (TEA) grant to the city of Marinette. The grant will support road construction to improve traffic flow around Fincantieri Marinette Marine as the shipbuilding company grows its operation.

tony-evers“As Fincantieri Marinette Marine expands its operations here in Wisconsin, we are committed to ensuring surrounding communities continue to thrive,” said Gov. Evers. “This is an exciting project in Northeast Wisconsin, which represents more than simply improving roads to benefit the Marinette community. It shows the progress we are making to grow our workforce, respond to the needs of our local governments, and improve the infrastructure folks across our state rely on.”

Fincantieri Marinette Marine received a contract in 2020 to design and build the U.S. Navy’s newest class of ships, the Constellation-class Frigate. Hundreds of new employees, contractors, naval specialists, and visitors are expected in the Marinette area as the company increases its ship production. The city will use the grant funding to help reconstruct roads surrounding the facility to accommodate additional traffic.

“Marinette Marine is a vital part of our state’s economy and has been for more than 80 years,” said WisDOT Secretary Craig Thompson. “Supporting its growth, its employees, and the overall Marinette community will have a positive impact that extends far beyond Northeast Wisconsin.”

In addition to the company’s expansion, many other community improvements and new developments are underway in Marinette and its downtown district.

“We are grateful to be awarded this funding for our much-needed Downtown Corridor project, bringing an economic benefit to our businesses and industries,” said Marinette Mayor Steve Genisot. “This is a great opportunity for the city to redevelop our Main Street and create infrastructure improvements for a better traffic flow near Fincantieri Marinette Marine, our largest employer.”

The TEA program provides financial assistance to communities to support transportation infrastructure improvements that will help attract new employers or encourage existing employers to expand. A municipal or county unit of government must sponsor a TEA application. The project must have the local government’s endorsement, and it must benefit the public. More information about the program, including instructions to apply for a grant, can be found here.

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