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Agard: Lawsuit Challenging Act 10 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Friday, 01 December 2023 09:27

union-afscme-at-capitolMADISON – Thursday, a lawsuit was filed challenging 2011 Wisconsin Act 10, which significantly curtailed the collective bargaining rights of public sector employees. Senate Democratic Leader Melissa Agard (D-Madison) released the following statement:

“My path into state politics was, in large part, because of the wrongdoings that resulted from Act 10, and I am glad that the constitutionality of that law will be reexamined in the courts. Should Act 10 be ruled unconstitutional, Wisconsinites who have dedicated their lives to public service will once again have a seat at the table that is well-deserved and long overdue.

Melissa Agard “Act 10 had catastrophic ramifications for public sector employees and deviated from Wisconsin’s long history of honoring the rights, labor, and livelihood of workers. Legislative Democrats have been working to reverse the damage done by Republicans since 2011, and we will continue the fight to uplift the lives of working Wisconsinites. It is past time that we reinvigorate Wisconsin’s labor movement by restoring the public sector’s collective bargaining rights.

“I applaud the seven unions, representing our teachers and other public workers, who took the necessary steps to bring this suit forth. Their tireless efforts to uplift the voice and livelihoods of hardworking Wisconsinites is commendable.”

Last Updated on Friday, 01 December 2023 10:08
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