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Democrats Introduce 'Investing in Our Kids' Education Package PDF Print E-mail
Written by Kristina Shelton Press   
Thursday, 21 September 2023 13:14

teaching-studentsLegislation would respond to crisis around hiring and retaining quality educators in our state.

MADISON, WI - Ranking Democratic Assembly and Senate Education Committee Members, Representative Kristina Shelton and Senator Chris Larson, offered this statement upon the release of the final legislative package included in the Working for Wisconsin: Investing in Our Kids’ Education initiative.

“For years, our schools have sounded the alarm that there is a crisis around hiring and retaining quality educators in our state. This legislative package supports maintaining our education workforce through treating our teachers as professionals once again.

kristina-shelton“By establishing a minimum pay while pairing increases to the longevity of service, we can assure that our educators are paid fairly for the work being done and are incentivized to continue their passion for providing outstanding instruction to our children. Furthermore, this package enacts mandated teacher preparation periods, offers a voice to educators on school district decisions, and helps our districts prepare the next generation of teachers through “Grow your Own” grants.

“The importance of reestablishing professionalism in our education workforce cannot be overstated; this is especially true when looking at future generations of educators in Wisconsin. In addressing the need to attract and retain quality educators, we must listen to the folks in the field who have had their voices long silenced by state lawmakers. Respect, support, and appreciation must be reestablished to mitigate the detrimental effects of de-professionalization in the teaching field.

“The initiatives outlined in this package demonstrate a positive way forward in supporting our students and families by maintaining a quality professional education workforce.”

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