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Gallagher’s debt ceiling fight jeopardized child care and essential services for WI families PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Lee-Ann Klingsporn, Green Bay   
Thursday, 13 July 2023 09:03

mike-gallagher-gtyLocal Congressman Gallagher puts large corporations over working families, seniors, and children says Green Bay single mom.

GREEN BAY, WI - Recently, we narrowly avoided an economic disaster that was created by politicians like Congressman Mike Gallagher. Although a deal was reached to avoid defaulting on our nation’s debt, this entire episode showed us just how easily families like mine could be left without the essential services we need to get by. Here’s how close we came to a devastating default. 

First, Congressman Gallagher backed an extreme plan that would only raise the debt ceiling if Congress enacted dangerous cuts that would hurt Wisconsinites. By supporting the “Default on America Act,” he voted to strip food assistance from 24,000 women, infants, and children in our state and from Wisconsin seniors. This plan would’ve also eliminated preschool and child care spots for at least 5,500 Wisconsin children.

Congressman Gallagher’s support for this plan was shocking. The fact that he was willing to jeopardize basic care and services for his most vulnerable constituents, while hurtling our country toward a default, should give everyone a sense of where his real priorities are. Instead of asking those at the top or large corporations to pay their fair share, the plan he backed asked families, seniors, and children to pay the price. 

child-hungerI’m a single mom to an amazing 9 year old, so I know how challenging it can be to find quality and affordable child care. I can’t imagine what it would be like to have that care, or even access to food, stripped away because of extreme politicians in Congress. No family should be used as a bargaining chip. 

But the reality is, Congressman Gallagher supported this plan and used it to push us closer to the brink and toward the first default in our nation’s history. Defaulting would’ve been even worse than the bill he voted for. In the 8th Congressional District alone, over 7,000 jobs would’ve been wiped out, Social Security payments for over 100,000 families could’ve stopped, and Medicare, Medicaid, or VA health coverage would have been put at risk for nearly a quarter million of Congressman Gallagher’s constituents.

Thankfully, we avoided a catastrophe, but it should never have been this close. We expect our elected officials to fight for us, but Congressman Gallagher showed he’s willing to put our well-being on the line and risk our future. It’s time for him to start doing the right thing and support the working families, seniors, and children that are counting on him.

Last Updated on Thursday, 13 July 2023 09:26
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