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Supreme Court Decision to End Student Loan Forgiveness Plan PDF Print E-mail
Written by Shelia Stubbs Press   
Wednesday, 05 July 2023 08:58

uwgb-studentsState Rep. Shelia Stubbs thanks President Biden for effort, hopes new plan by administration will still have a chance to provide debt relief to hardworking Americans bogged down by student debt.

MADISON—WI, On Friday, June 30th, 2023, the United States Supreme Court issued a ruling that ends the President Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness Plan.
Rep. Shelia Stubbs (D-Madison) released the following statement:

“On Friday, June 30th, the United States Supreme Court blocked the student loan forgiveness plan proposed by President Biden in August of 2022. Friday’s ruling on the student loan forgiveness plan is a massive blow to millions and millions of Americans. Our higher education system continues to propel Americans into debt, with many still paying off their loans decades after they’ve finished their education. When President Biden took office, he promised to address this common burden and thus announced his plan to cancel $10,000 of student debt for low- to middle-income borrowers. For millions of Americans who still struggle with student loan debt, this plan marked a true sense of relief and hope. This measure was one step in the right direction and could have helped those who seek post-high school education secure their spot in America’s middle class.”

shelia-stubbs-rep-district 77“During a time when young people face great economic uncertainty, with sky-rocketing living costs and almost guaranteed debt accumulation when seeking an education, it is deeply unfortunate to see measures to ease this strain shot down by our Supreme Court. Everyone thrives when a population has access to high quality, extended education. We must work to incentivize our students who choose to take on more years of schooling for the chance at a better future. I worry about those students whose education is so unfairly cut short when they calculate the cost and realize that the weight of the debt is too great a burden to take on. I think of how many young minds are not given the chance to thrive, simply because they were not born into a high socioeconomic class. These are sadly very real outcomes that many Americans face due to the cost barrier of higher education. And if they should choose to take on the debt, they are sentenced to decades of financial strain in turn.”

“As a state representative with three higher learning institutions within my district including Madison Area Technical College South Goodman Campus, Edgewood College, and the flagship University of Wisconsin-Madison, I am hypersensitive to the needs of students. I take great pride in working for the betterment of my constituents, many of whom either attend or work at institutions of higher education. In Wisconsin, we are not only dealing with the outcome of a less-than-favorable 2023-25 state budget, in which Republican legislators denied the UW System $32 million dollars’ worth of funding and failed to fund the much needed UW Madison Engineering Building Project, but also entering into a period of tuition increase as approved by the UW Board of Regents earlier this year. The burden of denied funding will always fall most heavily on those who are least able to afford it. I decry all efforts across our state and nation that harm our student’s ability to access affordable education and I dedicate myself to serving and supporting my constituents who will bear the brunt of this disappointing ruling by the Supreme Court. Education is an incredible resource that should never be limited to the enjoyment of only an elite few. As we work to build a more equitable nation, we must be alert to the many unjust processes that threaten this outcome.”

“In response to the Supreme Court’s ruling, President Biden announced new actions to provide debt relief and support for student loan borrowers. While this process will take longer, it is still a chance to provide debt relief to hardworking Americans bogged down by their student debt. The actions outlined provide another pathway towards relief, which our highly educated, hardworking people in this country so truly deserve. I am grateful to have a president who cares so deeply about creating equitable outcomes for all Americans seeking education.”

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