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JFC Democrats urge investments in working families PDF Print E-mail
Written by Joint Finance Committee Democrats   
Tuesday, 23 May 2023 11:54

jfcphotoMADISON — Today, the Joint Committee on Finance had the opportunity to make consequential investments in Wisconsin families which will help businesses compete with neighboring states but Republicans have shown they have no interest in making family-friendly investments.

This week, the Joint Committee on Finance will be taking action on several agencies, some of which are charged with ensuring a strong Wisconsin workforce. JFC legislators should be discussing and tackling ways to promote a strong and healthy workforce. Instead, Republican members of the Committee took action during its first budget executive session to silence debate on many popular pieces of Governor Evers’ budget that would support our workforce, including paid family leave.

Ahead of today’s executive session, the Democratic members of the Joint Committee on Finance issued the following statement.

latonya-johnson“JFC Democrats are eager to make investments that will attract talent to our state and support people with the resources they need to thrive. Business leaders are telling us we need to invest in working families with paid family leave, affordable child care, and reliable funding to make health care accessible regardless of zip code. Our neighboring states are making these investments and today should be our turn.

“Throughout this budget process, Republicans have rejected Governor Evers’ innovative solutions to addressing Wisconsin’s unique workforce challenges. There’s still time for Republicans to wake up and listen to the needs of their communities. Time will tell if they have the courage or ambition.”



Sen. LaTonya Johnson............(608) 266-2500

Sen. Kelda Roys………………(608) 266-1627

Rep. Evan Goyke....................(608) 266-0645

Rep. Tip McGuire....................(608) 266-5504

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