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Biden-Harris Campaign Outlines 2024 Road to Victory Memo PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Biden for President 2024 Press   
Thursday, 18 May 2023 18:53

biden-harris-pusaWASHINGTON - This morning, Biden for President campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez released a memo laying out the Biden-Harris campaign’s road to victory in 2024.

See what they’re saying about the campaign’s plan to meet voters where they are, expand the Biden-Harris coalition, and win in 2024:


ASSOCIATED PRESS: “President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign is vowing to hold the states that won him the White House in 2020 but also compete in places it lost like North Carolina and increasingly Republican-dominated Florida, providing what it says are ‘a number of viable pathways to the 270 electoral votes’ needed to clinch four more years.”

USA TODAY: “President Joe Biden's campaign is making a play for white working-class and rural voters. In a campaign memo obtained by USA TODAY, Biden's campaign outlined a pathway to victory in 2024 that runs through the battleground states of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.”

BLOOMBERG: “Biden campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez argued in a state-of-the-race memo Thursday that Democrats have strengthened their hand going into the presidential election after a strong performance in last year’s midterm races and in special elections this year… Rodriguez portrays a Biden campaign buoyed by recent Democratic election victories and convinced that hard-line Republican stances on issues like abortion and election denial will continue to work in Biden’s favor.”

THE HILL: “To try to break through the media environment, which Rodriguez describes is fragmented, they will ‘use innovative strategies to break through and connect with voters where they are’ by ‘leveraging people’s personal networks, through amplifying core messages online, and having personal conversations offline,’ she said. And in order [to] ensure it focuses on the American people, Rodriguez said the campaign will work to highlight lived experiences. To attempt to display a united front, the campaign will leverage already-established Democratic party infrastructure.”

NBC NEWS: “The campaign said that it plans early investments in states that Biden won in 2020, such as Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, as well as states it defended in 2020 like Nevada and New Hampshire. It also looks to protect recent Democratic gains in Arizona and Georgia and to expand its reach in North Carolina and Florida. It is investing in those key battleground states early with a seven-figure ad buy, Rodriguez wrote.”

CBS NEWS: “Nodding to the long-held [belief] among Biden political aides that he is a historically underestimated, underappreciated political talent, the reelection team is urging supporters to anticipate, if not relish and exploit, intense scrutiny of their strategy. ‘Driving our campaign are the lived experiences of the American people, not the political echo chamber,' Chavez Rodriguez writes. ‘Polls and pundits have underestimated Joe Biden his entire life, and he's proved them wrong time and time again."’

POLITICO: “Biden’s effort starts in a ‘markedly strong position,’ Rodriguez writes, citing (1) ‘the best midterm election for a sitting president since FDR,’ (2) an electoral coalition that has stuck together, and (3) ‘significant opportunities to grow Democratic support … from Republican and independent swing voters.’”
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