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Sen. Smith Positive on Gov. Evers’ 2023-25 Budget Address PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jeff Smith, State Senator District 31   
Thursday, 16 February 2023 10:15

farmer-wicornBudget proposal will strengthen our middle class, grow our economy and ensure our local governments can provide vital services to rural Wisconsinites.

MADISON – Governor Tony Evers delivered his 2023 Budget Address Wednesday evening. Senator Jeff Smith (D–Brunswick) released the following statement in response to the announcement:

jeff-smith“Today the Governor unveiled a budget that will strengthen our middle class, grow our economy and ensure our local governments can provide vital services to rural Wisconsinites. In the past four years, Governor Evers prioritized the needs of working families. Under the Governor’s 2023-25 budget, our $7 billion budget surplus will be reinvested in our local communities so all Wisconsinites can enjoy greater security and prosperity.

“The Governor’s budget delivers on his promise to give middle-class families a 10 percent tax cut. It includes critical funding for our local governments, dedicating more than half a billion dollars to local communities so they can invest in local health and human services, transportation, EMS, fire and law enforcement services.

“Governor Evers’ budget allocates money for PFAS testing, remediation and awareness as part of a comprehensive action plan to ensure the water we drink is safe. It includes a historic investment in public education, with targeted funding for special education and mental health support for our kids.

business-small-open“Wisconsin’s economy is strong and getting stronger, and this budget sets the tone for our state to invest in the middle class. I hope Republicans don’t muck this budget up with a flat tax for the millionaires, free private school education for wealthy families or any other harebrained ideas they’ve tried to shop to their well-to-do campaign contributors.

“In the coming weeks, I’ll be traveling around western Wisconsin sharing and discussing this budget with the citizens of Senate District 31. I commend Governor Evers for his bold leadership and historic investments in our citizens, and I encourage Republicans in the Legislature to support these critical priorities.”


The 31st Senate District includes all of Buffalo, Pepin and Trempealeau counties and portions of Pierce, Dunn, Eau Claire, Jackson and St. Croix counties.

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