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Agard Supports referendum on Wisconsin’s 1849 criminal abortion ban PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Tuesday, 17 January 2023 14:29

women-health-servicesWe should hear from the people and gather their viewpoint on eliminating Wisconsin’s 1849 criminal abortion ban, says Agard.

MADISON – Today, legislative Democrats will put forth a substitute amendment on Senate Joint Resolution 4 to gather people’s viewpoint on eliminating Wisconsin’s 1849 criminal abortion ban. Senate Democratic Leader Melissa Agard (D-Madison) released the following statement:

melissa-agard“Senate Joint Resolution 4, introduced by Senate Republicans, simply attacks low-income Wisconsinites and is borne out of turnout considerations for their base in the upcoming spring election. Republicans didn’t bother to gauge the public’s opinion when they originally fast tracked pieces of legislation to increase work requirements - there were no advisory referendums and no seeking of public input. Not until now, several years after these bills became law. Republicans are looking for a public pat on the back for legislation they enacted years ago.

“Meanwhile, my Democratic colleagues and I are putting forth an amendment to hear from the people and gather their viewpoint on eliminating Wisconsin’s 1849 criminal abortion ban and reinstating the standard under Roe vs. Wade. We know that abortion is personal – no politician, no government – should decide for an individual whether or not to continue a pregnancy. Abortion care is health care and the people of Wisconsin will make that resoundingly clear given the opportunity to voice their preference in a statewide advisory referendum.

women-1849“Legislative Republicans continue to ignore the will of the people and continue to be at odds, even with each other, regarding abortion access in our state. They continue to jeopardize the lives of pregnant people with every day that passes and abortion remains inaccessible in Wisconsin. Wisconsinites must have the opportunity to directly weigh in on this matter.

“The will of the people is the law of the land and it's far past time that the State Legislature hears and honors their will.”

Last Updated on Wednesday, 18 January 2023 11:41
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