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Stubbs Congratulates Governor Tony Evers PDF Print E-mail
Written by Shelia Stubbs Press   
Thursday, 05 January 2023 11:15

evers-inauguration-2019As Tony Evers Begins 2nd term as Wisconsin’s 46th Governor.

MADISON – On January 3rd, Governor Tony Evers began his second term as the 46th governor of Wisconsin. Following the inauguration, Representative Shelia Stubbs (D-Madison) issued the following statement:

shelia-stubbs“I have had the great honor of serving alongside Governor Evers for the entirety of my time as a representative and I am elated to welcome him for a second term as our 46th governor. Additionally, I extend my congratulations to our new Lt. Governor, Sara Rodriguez. Both uphold the greatest standards of democracy and with their leadership, I have great faith that we can continue to make good legislative progress in our state.”

“Over the past four years, among many accomplishments, Governor Evers passed significant tax cuts for middle class families, defended reproductive rights and made every attempt to create a pathway to put the matter on the ballot to let the people decide. Invested in our community’s mental health infrastructure and service accessibility, our children’s education, our Wisconsin-owned businesses, and workforce training and development programs, and protected our democracy by combatting disinformation and attempts to create division among our people. Overall, Governor Evers exemplifies good governorship by consistently making good decisions to benefit our state and every person within it. With Governor Evers at the helm, our state is in great hands.”

“Entering this session, I welcome our new colleagues and congratulate every newly elected and returning official with whom I shared the honor of being sworn in. There is much work to be done, and as our governor so powerfully reminded us, we can only accomplish our goals when working together.”

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