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Agard Supports Governor Evers’ Call for a Special Session PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Wednesday, 21 September 2022 14:23

women-1849Would allow voters to directly repeal Wisconsin’s 1849 criminal abortion ban.

Madison - Today, Governor Evers called a special session of the Wisconsin State Legislature to create a pathway for Wisconsinites to repeal Wisconsin’s 1849-era criminal abortion ban. Senator Melissa Agard (D-Madison) released the following statement supporting Governor Evers’ actions:

melissa-sargent“Despite broad support from Wisconsinites—Democrats and Republicans alike—the Republican-controlled Legislature refuses to repeal Wisconsin’s archaic 1849 criminal abortion ban. Unfortunately, Wisconsin’s extremely partisan, gerrymandered maps insulate the majority party from electoral consequences as they ignore the will of Wisconsinites time after time.”

“Providing the voters of Wisconsin with an opportunity to directly challenge the state’s criminal abortion ban through a statewide referendum would allow the will of the voters to be heard and honored. I am confident that if Wisconsin voters get a direct say in this matter, they will overwhelmingly support restoring reproductive freedoms. If the majority party is unwilling to honor the will of the people and protect abortion access, then they need to get out of the way and allow Wisconsinites to do their job for them.”

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