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Senator Agard Responds to Medical Marijuana Bill Hearing PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Tuesday, 12 April 2022 09:31

marijuana-farmerWisconsin are ready for cannabis reform, but Republicans refuse to listen, says Senator.

Madison, WI – Monday, the Senate Committee on Insurance, Licensing and Forestry noticed that it would hold a public hearing on Senate Bill 1034 relating to medical marijuana on Wednesday, April 20th. Senator Melissa Agard (D-Madison) responded to the notice:

melissa-sargent“The people of Wisconsin are ready for cannabis reform. It is supported by the majority of the residents of our state, including a majority of Republicans. While I’m encouraged people will have the ability to come testify at a public hearing, it is disappointing that we had 15 months of session in which we could have rolled up our sleeves and worked in a bipartisan manner on this important and complex policy. Sadly, Republicans are all talk and no action when it comes to legalization efforts in Wisconsin.

“For the second straight session, legislative Republicans have introduced a late session, politically motivated bill to try and fool the people of Wisconsin into thinking they are genuine about legalization. Having a public hearing after session has already been gaveled out is a cynical political ploy that gives people false hope about the prospects of this legislation.

“I have been earnestly working for full cannabis legalization for adult responsible use for over nine years. In that time, I have reached out to my colleagues on the other side of the aisle to legalize cannabis for Wisconsin in a bipartisan manner—but not a single Republican has ever taken me up on this opportunity to put out a bipartisan bill.

“I am disappointed by my Republican colleagues’ constant refusal to do the right thing and listen to Wisconsinites when it comes to the issue of cannabis legalization. My efforts will always work towards full cannabis legalization.”

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