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Agard on U.S. Supreme Court Decision on Wisconsin Legislative Maps PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:50

voter-us-electionsMadison, WI – Wednesday, the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) struck down the state legislative redistricting plans presented by Governor Evers after being selected by the Wisconsin Supreme Court earlier this month. Senator Agard released the following statement:

melissa-sargent“I am incredibly disappointed with the SCOTUS’s decision to overturn the Wisconsin Supreme Court’s selection of Governor Evers’ legislative maps. These maps were desperately needed for the sake of democracy after the GOP’s grossly gerrymandered maps that have presided over Wisconsin for the last ten years. After refusing to take up other states’ legislative maps, SCOTUS has contradicted its previous argument in an unprecedented and democratically harmful decision.

“SCOTUS has instead perpetuated the disenfranchisement of Wisconsin democracy– and disenfranchising Wisconsin voters— to prevent our state from having the most competitive districts that would move us forward in having the will of the people represented in our legislature. This decision only advances Republican interests and demonstrates how blatantly politicized SCOTUS, the highest court in our land, has increasingly become.

“This isn’t justice, and this ruling will only further harm our voters. This decision from SCOTUS deepens Wisconsin’s desperate need to implement non-partisan redistricting to truly allow Wisconsin to be a representative democracy.”

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