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Senator Admits Republicans Would Not Lower Prescription Drug Costs PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by WisDems Press   
Friday, 18 March 2022 09:55

drug-costAdmission is the Latest Plank in Republicans’ Agenda of Tax Hikes and Raised Premiums

MADISON, Wis. – Yesterday, Republican Senator Chuck Grassley admitted that a Republican-controlled Senate would not take action on lowering drug prices, saying “If we want to reduce drug prices, then we need to do it now [under a Democratic Congress]."

Grassley’s comments come as Senate Republicans have spent the last few weeks outlining how a Republican majority would mean hiking taxes on working families, raising health insurance premiums, and doing nothing to lower costs.

Republicans trying to rip away health care from working families is not news to folks in Wisconsin, as Ron Johnson has spent his entire political career pushing a self-serving agenda that would reduce coverage and increase premiums for hundreds of thousands of families across the state. Just last week, Johnson doubled down by reaffirming his promise to repeal the Affordable Care Act – which would mean more than 100 million Americans with pre-existing conditions would lose insurance protections, Americans with private insurance could see their premiums skyrocket, 21 million Americans could lose their insurance, and more.

“Let’s be clear: the Republican plan is to raise taxes on 32% of Wisconsinites, increase health insurance premiums, and take away protections for folks with pre-existing conditions. Now they’re admitting a Republican majority means doing nothing to lower prescription drug costs. The GOP is only winning if working Wisconsinites are losing – which is why Wisconsin will remain blue in 2022,” said Democratic Party of Wisconsin Senate Communications Advisor Philip Shulman

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