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$50 Million “Beyond the Classroom” Grants Support Kids’ Learning Opportunities, Mental Health PDF Print E-mail
Written by Kristina Shelton Press   
Tuesday, 20 April 2021 17:00

high-school-studentsBeyond the Classroom Grants help ensure access to learning opportunities and programming for kids ages 5 to 17.

Green Bay — Tuesday in Green Bay, Representative Kristina Shelton and Governor Evers announced “Beyond the Classroom” grants to support the mental health, academic, and social and emotional well being of children across Wisconsin. The grants will utilize American Rescue Plan funding to expand learning opportunities for children in Wisconsin. “Beyond the Classroom” grants will provide funding of up to $500,000 per non-profit organization; up to $25 million will be available for programming during the summer months of 2021 and an additional $25 million will be available in the 2021-2022 school year and the following summer months.

kristina-shelton“I am thrilled to see $50 million for “Beyond the Classroom” grants. Locally, it will allow the provision of equitable services such as expanding robust mental health, summer school and tutoring programs,” said Rep. Shelton. “We know COVID and the prolonged effects of isolation will have profound impacts on our children’s mental and physical health. It is all hands on deck to meet their social and emotional needs.

“In Green Bay, we will see the real world, lifesaving impacts of the American Rescue Plan. ARPA funding will cut childhood poverty in half nationally. For the kids in Green bay, that will change the course of their lives in ways we can’t fully envision right now. And, at the same time, these monies will provide immediate relief to kids and communities who need it most.

“Thanks to Governor Evers, we can be assured that this money  will be spent with a clear commitment to working families, communities, schools and small businesses. The Governor and I both know - this is a team sport. I call on local leaders and those serving with me in the state legislature to continue to work with us, together, in our advocacy and implementation of these critical funds. Flexibility, immediacy, and collaboration is key so that we can come through these next few months stronger and more democratic.”

“Beyond the Classroom” grants will be funded through Wisconsin’s allocation of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and will be administered by the Wisconsin Department of Administration. Gov. Evers has allocated $2.5 billion from the roughly $3.2 billion the state anticipates receiving in American Rescue Plan Act funds to assist in the state’s recovery and restore economic well-being.

Organizations interested in learning more about the “Beyond the Classroom” grants can sign up here.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 21 April 2021 17:15
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