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Gov. Radio Address - Staying Safe this Holiday Season PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Thursday, 24 December 2020 11:46

lacrosse-xmas-lightsStay safe this holiday season by staying home, and having virtual celebrations with family, friends and loved ones says Governor Evers.

MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers delivered the Democratic Radio Address on Wednesday encouraging Wisconsinites to celebrate this holiday season safely by staying home, and having virtual celebrations with family, friends and loved ones.

Audio file of radio address.

tony-eversHi everyone, Governor Tony Evers here.

I don’t have to tell you all that 2020 has been a tough year.

And I know that all of us, Kathy and I included, would rather spend this valuable time around the holidays with our friends, family, and loved ones, but we have to remember that COVID-19 has not gone away.

The best way to show those you love that you care about them is to stay home and stay away.

Let’s enjoy this holiday season by protecting everyone’s health and well-being.

Just as I did last month, I am encouraging Wisconsinites to celebrate the holidays virtually and within in their own households. Don’t host parties or gatherings at your home or anywhere else with folks you don’t live with.

And while getting tested is an important part of our efforts to box in the virus, it isn’t a pass to attend a gathering. Your test results are only a snapshot in time, and a negative test one day does not guarantee a negative test the next.

Please celebrate the holidays safely by continuing to take every precaution to protect the health of our frontline healthcare workers, our families, and our communities. 

Let’s head into the new year healthy and ready to take on the virus in 2021. Happy Holidays, Wisconsin.

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