Monday July 1, 2024

An Independent Progressive Media Outlet


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walker-signs-budgetWalker even scheduled State budget bill signing during Supt. Evers’ State of Education Address

MADISON - Representative Melissa Sargent (D-Madison) slammed Governor Scott Walker today for signing his state budget during State Superintendent Tony Evers' State of Education Address.

melissa-sargent“This speaks volumes, and it’s symbolic of Governor Walker’s reign in Wisconsin. Nothing says more about how little Governor Walker cares about schools in our communities than the fact he decided to sign his state budget right in the middle of a report on the state of schools in Wisconsin.

After seven years of his administration's cuts to education, the demonization of school teachers, and the belittling of intellectualism, this move is quintessential Walker: he puts politics before governance and self-preservation before the public good.

Our kids deserve better this and the calamitous mess Governor Walker has made of public education in Wisconsin over the past seven years.”

Written by Wisconsin Assembly, Britt Cudaback   

gun-control-debatesNew legislation would allow concealed carry without a permit.

MADISON, WI – Despite concerns raised by school advocates, health professionals and law enforcement officials, legislation that would remove training requirements and give dangerous individuals greater access to firearms passed in the Senate Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety.

In response, Senate Democratic Leader Jennifer Shilling (D-La Crosse) released the following statement:

Jennifer Shilling“At a time when wages remain stagnant and Wisconsin’s economy continues to fall behind the rest of the nation, it is unfortunate that Republicans continue to side with gun lobbyists over working families. Allowing anyone to carry a loaded, concealed firearm in public without any safety training or a simple background check is completely irresponsible.”

“The overwhelming majority of Wisconsin residents agree that responsible individuals who want to carry a concealed weapon should go through a background check and obtain a permit. Too many men, women and children have already died as a result of gun violence. Rather than putting more guns in the hands of dangerous individuals, we should protect families and communities by closing the gun show loophole, strengthening background checks and keeping guns off school property.”

Senate Bill 169 (SB 169) would eliminate current training requirements for individuals to carry concealed weapons, lower the concealed carry age from 21 to 18 years old and allow some individuals to carry concealed handguns on school grounds.

Written by Wisconsin Senate, Kate Constalie   

school-bus-kidsSen. Kathleen Vinehout examines the lack of foresight in the budget just passed by the legislature and how it relates to three major issues – education, transportation and shared revenue.

Written by Kathleen Vinehout, State Senator 31st District   

dairy_cow_merry_go_roundAs drinking water is inundated with manure, NR 151 is a chance to help families.

Written by Wisconsin Conservation Voters, Ryan Billingham   

school-bus-kidsGOP budget will take more from Wisconsin taxpayers for Foxconn over the next 8 years than school aid.

MADISON - Ahead of Republican claims about K-12 funding in the state budget, three Democratic leaders pointed out that Republicans voted last week to regularly take more from Wisconsin taxpayers for Foxconn over the next FOUR state budgets than any GOP school aid increase.

“Our Republican colleagues will take to the floor today and tell us a lot about their school aid budget,” Sen. Janet Bewley (D-Delta) said. “What they won’t tell you is that the numbers show clearly where their real priorities are. They’ve made the largest giveaway to a foreign corporation in history a higher priority than 850,000 children of Wisconsin taxpayers.”

walker-terry-gou-foxconnSen. Chris Larson (D-Milwaukee), ranking Democratic member of the Education Committee, Caucus Chair Mark Miller (D-Monona) and Assistant Minority Leader Bewley pointed to a memo that shows GOP-forced taxpayer handouts to Foxconn exceeding the very highest GOP school aid increase in five of the next eight years.

“It’s bad enough that we don’t know how many generations of Wisconsinites are being shackled to this Foxconn handout,” Sen Mark Miller said. “It’s even worse that public education for the first generation that will grow up under this deal is at risk because our Republican colleagues have put Foxconn ahead of schools in Wisconsin communities.”

The legislators released a September 12 memorandum from the Legislative Fiscal Bureau comparing K-12 school aid budgets under Republican leadership and taxpayer expenditures to Foxconn that Republican legislators approved earlier this week.

“Republicans voted this week to put every Wisconsin taxpayer on the hook for Gov. Walker’s handout to Foxconn,” Sen. Larson said. “This memo starts to tell the story of what that $3 billion giveaway will cost our neighbors, our communities, our schools and our children in the budgets ahead.”

Written by State Senate Democrats   

baldwin_back_medicare_for_allBaldwin’s support for new Medicare for All legislation, the budget, Foxconn, and the change in leadership among Assembly Democrats.

STATEWIDE - We discuss Sen. Tammy Baldwin’s support for new Medicare for All legislation introduced this week in the U.S, Senate. Baldwin's forward looking vision is in sharp contrast with Sen. Ron Johnson and his conservative colleagues who introduced yet another effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

The panel talks about the long delayed special interest laden state budget that passed the assembly on Tuesday and now heads to the Senate for final rubber stamping. We also review the latest on Foxconn, including Kenosha’s clear minded decision to pass on the boondoggle.

Finally we discuss the change in leadership among Assembly Democrats and Paul Ryan’s confession over the debt consequences of his own tax plan.

Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
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