Trump felt like being strapped into a chair and force-fed a steady diet of lies, delusions, and chest-thumping fascist nonsense while an audience of Republican sycophants cheered like mindless drones.“These are not wild donations. They’re calculated," says Media, Crawford Campaign. approved by Commission include 11 UW System projects, efforts to complete the Milwaukee Crime Lab, and stewardship property development funds., D.C. - The first two witnesses – diplomats Bill Taylor and George Kent – testify before the House Intelligence Committee on Wednesday as the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry into President Trump shifts to a make-or-break public phase. Smith examines the consequences of elected officials playing the blame game. Specifically, this column mentions the vote of DATCP Secretary, Brad Pfaff, and the increase to title and registration fees.
State Legislature celebrates team after Division I State Championship Veterans Day, we honor the service of all U.S. military veterans who answered the call to serve and defend our nation. Hmong who served in Special Guerilla Units during the Vietnam War also recognized. side with the Gun Lobby and the NRA over 80% of Wisconsinites.
The depositions provide verbatim details of investigators’ private interviews last month. The impeachment inquiry begins its public phase next week.