Trump felt like being strapped into a chair and force-fed a steady diet of lies, delusions, and chest-thumping fascist nonsense while an audience of Republican sycophants cheered like mindless drones.“These are not wild donations. They’re calculated," says Media, Crawford Campaign. approved by Commission include 11 UW System projects, efforts to complete the Milwaukee Crime Lab, and stewardship property development funds. way for Wisconsin patients to receive telehealth services at home or at school, or other non-clinical locations and receive Medicaid reimbursement. than 200,000 voters threatened with unlawful removal.
Despite all evidence, Trump still pushes Russian lie that Ukraine is connected to a hacked Democratic server in 2016. was running 'personal political errand' in Ukraine while U.S. government officials tried to pursue national security policy.'s complaint argues that current use of student voter ID is unconstitutional and asks the Court to enjoin the law. trafficking impacts all of Wisconsin's 72 counties, and truck drivers are on the front line of this issue.