hopes to Improve Citizen Engagement and Government Services.“Brad Schimel is manipulating images and telling lies to try and hide from his own soft-on-crime record of allowing over 6,000 sexual assault kits to sit untested for two years and letting domestic abusers walk with no jail time", says campaign. reports that Brad Schimel supported the J6 pardons, Harry Dunn to join Rep. Amaad Rivera-Wagner to condemn Trump's pardons and call for commitment from our leaders to protect our democracy. average family is paying a record high of over $20,000 for health insurance while prescription drug costs continue to rise. the past thirty years, Wisconsin has fallen 16 spots in national healthcare outcomes to 23rd. It’s beyond time to give Wisconsinites the care they deserve by expanding Medicaid. spring floods approaching, the time for action and preparation is now. overwhelming 70% of Wisconsinites support accepting the federal funds for Medicaid expansion. It’s time to move forward. is a guide to energy policy options in Wisconsin designed to help communities of varying sizes and with differing resources as they consider, craft, and implement clean energy policies. man says the worldwide coronavirus outbreak should be a wake-up call to all Americans, regardless of their politics, that they are vulnerable to the disastrous health and financial devastation of the current "Trump/ GOP No Health Care" position.