President Trump's order on immigrants has sparked spontaneous and overwhelming demonstrations across the nation and world. Stand with us and be Americans. Add your name to our petition.
APPLETON, WI - Not since the Vietnam War has our country witnessed such a spontaneous and overwhelming demonstration against a president's actions.
And rightfully so.
President Trump's executive order is not who we are.
We are a nation of immigrants founded on the unwavering belief that all men are created equal and in God's image. And we are, as St. Matthew wrote, that "bright shining city on a hill" that embraces those escaping persecution and who seek a better life.
Consider just a few of those stopped at our airports: the family member of a US Army soldier, a translator for our armed forces, doctors, scientists, mothers, fathers...
Add your name to our petition and stand up to Donald Trump >>>
And President Trump's executive order will not make us safer.
In fact, it will do just the opposite.
It will feed into the lies ISIS uses to recruit terrorists, strain crucial relations with our allies and put our safety at risk both home and abroad.
While not one Wisconsin Republican has denounced Trump, I am proud of Senator Tammy Baldwin, Congressman Kind, Congresswoman Moore, Congressman Pocan and thousands of Wisconsinites all around our great state who have stood up against this un-American, and un-Wisconsin executive order., nonpartisan organization founded to protect Wisconsin's public health and natural resources steps into the election process big this year to ensure elected leaders hear the priorities of people. King Center received $20 million through governor’s Healthcare Infrastructure Capital Grant Program to expand access to healthcare statewide. about the administration damaging America undermine the real progress being made and perpetuate a divisive narrative that only serves to mislead and polarize for cynical political gain. the Governor's claim that he supported enacting a state-level law that had the “exact same language” as the Affordable Care Act on pre-existing conditions is a lie to boost a failing campaign.