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Democratic Radio "Our Budget Must Invest in the Future" PDF Print E-mail
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Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   
Thursday, 16 February 2017 17:25

farmsMADISON – Today Rep. Mark Spreitzer (D-Beloit) offered the Democratic Weekly Radio Address on the governor's proposed budget:

Mark Spreitzer"After six years of complete Republican control, Governor Walker has painted a rosy picture as he prepares for his next campaign. Sadly, this picture simply doesn’t align with reality for many Wisconsinites," Rep. Spreitzer said. "We need bold ideas to rebuild our middle class and finally give working families a fighting chance. We must tackle our infrastructure problems head on. We must invest in our shared future by investing in Wisconsin’s children."

The audio file of this week’s address can be found here, and the video can be found here and below.

A written transcript of the address is below:

“Hi, I’m Representative Mark Spreitzer with this week’s Democratic Radio Address.

"Last week, Governor Walker delivered his budget address. After six years of complete Republican control, Governor Walker has painted a rosy picture as he prepares for his next campaign. Sadly, this picture simply doesn’t align with reality for many Wisconsinites. The middle class is struggling, our roads and bridges are crumbling, and public schools need our support more than ever.

"As soon as they took control of state government, Governor Walker and Republicans made historic funding cuts to public education and our universities and tech colleges. Five years later, they are trying to dig themselves out of the hole they created. Republicans have created a rigged economy and tax system, middle class families are struggling to get ahead, and Republicans still have no long-term plan to fix Wisconsin’s roads.

"Democrats know that we as a state must do better. We need bold ideas to rebuild our middle class and finally give working families a fighting chance. We must tackle our infrastructure problems head on. We must invest in our shared future by investing in Wisconsin’s children.

"You can count on my fellow Democrats and me to advance these ideas."

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