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From Roads To Foxconn, Marquette Poll Bad News For Walker PDF Print E-mail
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Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, TJ Helmstetter   
Thursday, 19 July 2018 12:41

scott-walker-harleyShows Scott Walker's priorities are not Wisconsin's. People see roads are crumbling while Walker dumps billions into unpopular Foxconn project.

MILWAUKEE - Wednesday's Marquette poll showed some disappointing results for Scott Walker:

  • Walker's approval is stuck at 47% while 94% of the electorate has already made up their mind about him.
  • A plurality of voters believe Scott Walker's $4.5 billion Foxconn deal is not worth the cost. Pluralities in every region of the state except the Milwaukee media market (excluding the city of Milwaukee) believe that Foxconn is not worth the cost.
    • 52% of city of Milwaukee residents say it's not worth the cost
    • 62% of Madison region residents say it's not worth the cost
    • 45% of Green Bay/Appleton region residents say it's not worth the cost (only 33% say it is)
    • 43% of residents from the North and West regions of the state say it's not worth the cost (only 37% say it is)
  • Every region of the state outside the Milwaukee media market (excluding the city of Milwaukee) believes that Foxconn will not benefit businesses in their region. 
    • 49% of city of Milwaukee residents say it will not benefit their local businesses (only 29% say it will)
    • 78% of Madison region residents say it will not benefit their local businesses
    • 62% of Green Bay/Appleton region residents say it will not benefit their local businesses
    • 72% of North & West residents say it will not benefit their local businesses
  • 59% of Wisconsin residents rate their roads as only fair or poor. That number jumps to 66% when you exclude respondents who live in the Milwaukee and Madison regions. Begs the question: Why is Scott Walker dumping $4.5 billion into Foxconn and not fixing our roads?
  • 63% of Wisconsinites -- including 63% of independents and 46% of Republicans -- believe abortion should be legal in most or all cases, whereas Walker has made it clear he would like to see a total abortion ban without even exceptions for rape or life of the mother. Only 11% agree with Walker's extreme position to ban abortion in all cases. This is particularly relevant given that Wisconsin has a pre-Roe v Wade abortion ban on the books, and if the Supreme Court overturns Roe, then Wisconsin could become one of the first states to make abortion entirely illegal.
  • Democrats have a 7% enthusiasm advantage.

"Scott Walker's priorities are out of sync with what Wisconsinites need. Wisconsinites want their governor to fix their roads instead of giving away billions of dollars to a foreign corporation in a shady deal. No wonder after 8 long years of living with typical politician Scott Walker, Wisconsin voters are ready for a change." -- TJ Helmstetter, DPW spokesperson for 2018 gubernatorial race

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