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Kelda Roys Calls on Ascension Wisconsin to Save St. Joe’s Health Services PDF Print E-mail
News - Articles for State & Local
Written by Kelda for Governor Press   
Wednesday, 25 April 2018 14:44

st.joes-milwActivists and advocates had fought to save vital medical services at St. Joe’s hospital in Milwaukee. “The health disparities faced by Wisconsin’s African American community are heartbreaking, shameful, and they must end," says Roys.

MILWAUKEE, WI - In response to mounting pressure from activists, Ascension Wisconsin has announced it will pause its plan to cut vital health services from St. Joseph hospital. Democratic gubernatorial candidate Kelda Roys released the following statement Tuesday calling on Ascension to make these changes permanent.

kelda-roys“I want to congratulate the activists and advocates who fought to save vital medical services at St. Joe’s hospital. Today, I’m calling on Ascension Wisconsin to commit to permanently providing surgery and inpatient services at St. Joe’s. Anything less is unacceptable.

“The health disparities faced by Wisconsin’s African American community are heartbreaking, shameful, and they must end. The causes of these disparities are multi-faceted and complex, and are inextricably tied to disparities in wealth, wages, incarceration, educational achievement, and so much more. Our state must double-down on closing these disparities, not slide even further into inequity.

“Saving St. Joe’s is crucial, but it is only the start. Wisconsin has an immense amount of progress to make in providing everyone with quality, affordable health care. Our government has been derelict in that responsibility for far too long and families across the state have suffered as a result. This must change.”


Roys, 38, is a small business owner, attorney, former state representative, and past head of NARAL Pro-Choice Wisconsin who has been standing up for women and families throughout her career. In the Assembly, she stood out as an influential and effective lawmaker, delivering results for working families and helping lead the opposition to Governor Scott Walker’s divisive agenda. As a parent and step-parent of four girls, Roys will fight for paid family leave, affordable childcare, great schools, and quality healthcare for all. In a year in which Wisconsin voters are ready for change, Kelda Roys provides the clearest contrast to Scott Walker.

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